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Yama Satya, as a concept involves the whole truth

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- The Yama Satya, the most important rule of Hinduism

The Yama Satya, or truthfulness, is the most important rule for Hindus, Truth is highly respected and worshiped in the yogic tradition.  Mahatma Gandhi said: “Truth is God and God is truth”. 

1.- The Yama Satya, the most important rule of Hinduism
Satya in sanskrit

All human activities are based on the spoken word, and the person who dishonors his word, being dishonest, can be considered a thief: he is stealing Reality.

SATYA means that you should not say something that you know to be false. It also means that you should not lead others to make mistakes, making them believe that you are certain of what you explain, when you only have little information or you are imagining it.  The Yama Satya also implies not making hasty judgments about something or someone that you only know superficially.

Yama Satya is a concept that encompasses many things. It requires behaving correctly (with everything and everyone), following the truth in our thoughts or avoiding thoughts that lead us away from the truth. Saying and expressing things that are true. The true Yogi, Tantric or Hindu consecrating his entire life to Truth in its broadest sense.

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Lotus symbols of truth from the Yama Satya
Lotus symbols of truth

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2.- How the Lie and the Truth influence the Yama Satya

2.1.- Lying is not just not telling the truth

Lying is thinking or talking about things one doesn’t know.   Lying doesn’t mean we always lie intentionally.

The truth of Yama Satya lies within ourselves
The truth resides from the Yama Satya within ourselves

The man who does not know himself (the one who knows nothing) usually has theories about many things. Most of these people are lying normally without realizing it. The lie is worst when we know perfectly well that we are not certain about reality, and yet we do not act in consequence.

2.2.- How we act before the truth

We always act and think as if we know the truth.  This certainty is a big lie.

For example, although we may not know anything about ourselves, we never acknowledge or admit that fact. Nor do we admit it to ourselves. We act, think and speak as if we knew who we are.  This is the origin and beginning of the lie.

Telling the truth is the most difficult
Telling the truth is the most difficult

That is why it is necessary to learn to speak the truth for Satya. This may seem strange. The most people think that it is enough to want to tell the truth to be able to tell it. But it is relatively rare for people to deliberately tell a lie.

Telling the truth is the most difficult thing in the world.  It is necessary to study and practice a lot, for a long time, to be able, one day, to tell the truth.

The desire to tell the truth is not enough.  To tell the truth, you must be able to know what is true and what is false, especially within yourself.

2.3.- Lying through speech

We can lie not only through speech but also through our actions and attitudesActing as if we did something we didn’t or pretending that we have achieved something that is still far from being achieved, is lying.

Being dishonest with ourselves and/or emulating (superficially imitating what we admire in others) is not in accordance with Satya‘s precept.

Lies, no matter how elaborate they may be, can always be cleaned with the truth, use the Yama Satya
Lies, no matter how elaborate they may be, can always be cleaned with the truth, use the Yama Satya

Another aspect of Yama Satya is that not everyone is ready for the truth. This was perfectly expressed by Jesus: “Do not give the dogs what is sacred; Don’t throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they can trample them underfoot, and then turn you around and rip you to shreds.” (Mateo 7: 6)

Some times fantasy distorts the truth, with or without conscious intent. As a result, we live in a world of dreams where we see the world as we would like it to be, and not as it is. From the point of view of Hinduism, this is a violation of Satya due to the superficiality of your thinking.

Fantasy can distort reality
Fantasy can distort reality

3.- Sacred texts of Yoga

The sacred texts of the Yoga tradition say that the truth will be used for benefit of all and not to destroy or harm living beings. Even if you tell the truth, but by doing so you harm a living being, you make a big mistake and do not follow Satya correctly, violating at the same time Ahimsa. To follow the traditions and try not to make mistakes, you can be inspired by the use of Davanam Organic Incense.

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The Bhagavad Gita inspires us for the Yama Satya
The Bhagavad Gita inspires us Sathya

The Great Sage Vyasa said: “The wise man must first decide what is good for living beings and only after that can he speak, refraining from lying.” As we saw earlier, in order to tell and especially to impart the truth, it is necessary first of all to realize where that truth lies in ourselves.

This is done through the practical experimentation of that truth.  This is why the deepest meaning of Satya is the inner transformation that leads to the discovery of our Immortal Soul (Atman).

The Mahabharata and Satya two parallel paths
The Mahabharata and Satya two parallel paths

According to our level of consciousness, the truth becomes more complex.  What you believed to be true during childhood, is revealed to be false or unimportant when you reach middle age.

However, that “truth” of childhood was necessary because through it you have discovered the real truth of middle age.  This also applies to spiritual practice; at first, only small truths can be given and received.

4.- The transformation in the Yama Satya

After the inner transformation, these small truths become unimportant aspects of a general truth that you now fully understandLao Tze, the famous chinese sage, said that everything that can be said about the Supreme Truth becomes in a lie when you reach it.

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