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Yama Aparigraha, how to free yourself is to move away from the earthly

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.-What you need to enter the Yama Aparigraha

1.1.- What is Yama Aparigraha ?

The Yama Aparigraha is the rejection of possessiveness, lack of greed and detachment.  The meaning is to stop accumulating what you really don’t need, as this creates undesirable bonds, and hinders people’s spiritual development. It teaches us that we should take only what we need, and let go of what is unnecessary.

APARIGRAHA is the rejection of possessiveness, lack of greed and detachment.
Aparigraha in sanskrit

Aparigraha does not mean to be satisfied with little, but to fully enjoy what you have, regardless of how modest your possessions are.

The key is to have total control over your possessions, and not allow them to control you through greed or possessiveness.

However, material possessions should not be an impediment in your life, if you really are completely detached. This does not mean being indifferent, but fully aware of the place that these possessions occupy in your life.

In your desire to get rid of greed, we recommend that you use Nagarmotha Ayurvedic Incense from our online incense store tantrayogashop.com.

APARIGRAHA does not mean to be satisfied with little, but to fully enjoy what you have
fully enjoy what you have

To live is to enjoy physical, mental or spiritual possessions, as if they were not yours. Being happy without being attached to the material, even stop being attached to your own person.

1.2.- Lessons on the Yama Aparigraha

Aparigraha is one of the main lessons of the Bhagavad Gita, which reveals that a yogi must give up possessions that stand in his way. Doing so frees the yogi from dependence on material life, allowing for the experience of Consciousness itself.

Give up possessions that hinder the yogic path
Give up possessions that hinder the yogic path

It is important to maintain clarity in stopping giving importance to the positive feelings that material life generates in us.

In the context of a yoga class, the Yama Aparigraha is the acceptance of one’s own physical limitations, rather than the desire to perfect an Asana to imitate another person.

The yamas are presented as the first to follow of the eight limbs of Yoga, since the Yamas are moral codes that we must follow in our lives.

Acceptance of what the body is capable of

2.- How to get rid of suffering in the Yama Aparigraha

Just as we practice Asana and Pranayama, we should also practice Aparigraha, or how to stop suffering. It is important to be attentive to those things that make us suffer in our day to day, since surely this suffering drags attachments or expectations.

To be faithful to the commandment of Aparigraha, we must stop being possessive, stop hoarding unnecessary things, and stop being greedy. To prevent your tendencies to suffering or attachment, we recommend the use of this Ayurvedic product, Nagarmotha Incense.

Practice the Aparigraha to feel more liberated
Practice the Aparigraha to feel more liberated

2.1- The role played by emotions and living consciously

Attachment is tied to emotions. We become attached to people because of the human warmth we feel, just as a smell can recall past emotions. Although attachment seems linked to positive feelings, the important thing is to recognize that the expectations of the results can lead us to suffering.

Attachment is tied to emotions.
Practice detachment

By practicing detachment, we are not letting go of the person, object, or thought itself, but rather we are practicing the concept of “letting go of expectations and outcomes.”

Aparigraha has to do with being aware of what we have. Do not cling to the material world, as it causes mental noise and emotional suffering. Nor to certain thoughts and emotions that keep us anchored in a certain moment or situation. 

2.2- Identify the suffering generated by the expectation

It is difficult to stop suffering from expectations if you are not familiar with identifying what is causing the suffering. You must focus on the root of what binds you to your suffering, and consequently face your adverse feelings, without losing your interest and determination to maintain Aparigraha.

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Stay neutral and follow the path in the Yama Aparigraha
Stay neutral and follow the path

Instead of focusing on the result, try to focus on the action, the object, or the person. By letting go of the outcome, we are free to fully commit to the action.

3.- How to be free without being attached to material life

When practicing detachment, you must understand that it is necessary to be aware of your feelings to achieve it. This may even mean practicing detachment in the same situation, over and over again, until you stop suffering from your expectations.

Yama Aparigraha free birds
feeling of liberation

Practice detachment whenever you have a feeling of attachment.

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