1.- The concept of Niyama Tapas
1.1.- What does it represent?
The Niyama Tapas concept represents discipline and/or austerity, not as an act of sacrifice, but as burning enthusiasm. It implies making use of the inner fire to eliminate the obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling a purpose.
The word TAPAS is formed from the root “TAP” which means “to burn”, “to radiate”, “to be consumed by fire”. Fire is the symbol of burning desire, or of the persevering will in achieve something.
This will must be exercised by renouncing the result of the actions carried out (offering the effort to your Superior Consciousness).
Therefore, Niyama Tapas implies ardent effort, directed towards a concrete purpose. It is achieved through discipline and austerity, that is, through an conscious and constant effort , to resist temptations and overcome obstacles that stand in the way of the goal.
When you feel that your will or discipline are weakening, you can rely on aromatherapy with our organic Cedar and Pine Incense.
1.2.- The three types
The disciplined practice of yoga can be a type of Tapas. A yogi who is initiated into tapas is known as a tapasvin. Ancient Indian texts state that attaining insight into the Superconsciousness is the goal of Tapas.
Yoga practice is linked to Tapas because both require meditation and periods of quiet reflection. Yoga is said to be a type of Tapas, due to the discipline and effort required to practice meaningfully. The self-contemplation that occurs in practice can help us to better glimpse Consciousness, which is the goal of any Tapas.
The Yoga teaches us to heal what is not necessary to endure, and to endure what cannot be cured.
1.3.- Niyama Tapas as restriction or deliberate action
There are two ways of understanding Tapas, as a restriction of a habit that harms you, or an intentional action or/or practice of what benefits you.
As an example of a Niyama Tapasof deliberate action, it would be that if you know that yoga or meditation adds value to your life, but it is difficult for you to put it into practice, you can establish a Tapas through which you agree to perform the practice for a fixed time.
Even so, the Niyama Tapas attitude does not necessarily imply a yogic technique; even the activity of cleaning your house can become Tapas, the key is that you manage to maintain the intention.
2.- Definition: What does Niyama Tapas mean?
Niyama Tapas are (spiritual) practices that often involve a high degree of self-discipline, solitude, and periods of deep meditation.
(MANASIKA): A perfect peace of mind, effortless self-control, lack of negative thoughts, elimination of pessimism.