Tantra Inicio » kashmiri shaivism » Niyama Svadhyaya Self-analysis through colossal Contemplation

Niyama Svadhyaya Self-analysis through colossal Contemplation

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- Introduction to Niyama Svadhyaya

1.1.- Meaning and objective

“SVA” means  “I”  and “ADHYAYA” means  “study through contemplation” .  Therefore Niyama Svadhyaya means  “the study of the self through contemplation”.

This Niyama is understood as the capacity for self-analysis, which you can acquire through meditation and contemplation. This means both the study of your interior and the Science of Yoga, which leads to the discovery of yourself.

Niyama Svadhyaya or Self-analysis through Contemplation. Yoga reveals to us the knowledge of our inner being.  As the bee collects the nectar of the flower, the yogi  is enriched by the greatness of the spiritual path.

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1.2.- The Traditional Wisdom Texts for Niyama Svadhyaya

Continuous reading and sincere reflection on traditional texts prepares the way to experience this Niyama, through personal practice, the highest levels of knowledge and awareness.

Contrary to popular opinion, these texts are not just philosophical insights, but practical instructions for experiencing new, more positive states of mind.

The classical Hindu scriptures are an incentive of traditional wisdom, which show us the path to the liberating experience and the Niyama Svadhyaya.  You have to be very patient with these texts as they may seem meaningless, especially to a Westerner.

They convey extremely deep wisdom and contain information on which to meditate (Samyama).

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1.2.1.- Suggested readings for Niyama Svadhyaya:


Suggested reading for Niyama Svadhyaya:

2.- Meditation and contemplation practice

Niyama Svadhyaya or self-analysis through contemplation, is achieved by meditating while practicing yoga. It is done by repeating a mantra to silence the thoughts in the mind, and turn the attention inward (pratyahara) instead of outward. Self-study also means studying the body and understanding its needs and limitations.

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