Tantra Inicio » asana » Prasarita Padottanasana, Do You Know The Wide Angle Pose?

Prasarita Padottanasana, Do You Know The Wide Angle Pose?

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.-Know The Prasarita Padottanasana


The yoga asana Prasarita Padottanasana comes from the Sanskrit, ‘prasarita‘, which means ‘open‘, ‘stretched‘; and ‘pada‘ which means ‘foot‘. Therefore, the Prasarita Padottanasana is a forward bending position and an inverted pose.

This asana is also known as ‘the wide angle pose’, ‘intense push-up pose’, ‘separate foot-pin pose’ or ‘splay-legged forward bend pose’. However, in some schools, this position is also known as ‘Dandayamana konasana’, ‘the standing angle pose’.

Prasarita Padottanasana 1
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
Prasarita Padottanasana 2
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
Prasarita Padottanasana 3
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality


Before you start practicing this asana, it is important to know the following:

First of all, if the sciatic nerve is irritated, the practice of this asana is prohibited, and if it used to be in your daily asana schedule, you should cease your practice immediately.

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If you suffer from an injury to the hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, neck, back, or head, you should avoid practicing this asana. Also if you are recovering from surgery on any internal organ.

The pressure that occurs in the head with this asana is NOT suitable for those who suffer from blood pressure or migraine problems since its practice puts pressure on breathing, which affects the functioning of the heart causing dizziness.

Those people who lack body control and balance (elderly people, pregnant women, people with a weak body structure…) may find this practice challenging.

Those people who suffer from arthritis in the knees, hips or shoulders as well as those with fibromyalgia should avoid its practice, since the pressure on the muscles can cause aches and pains.

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2.-Once aware of the activity of the Prasarita Padottanasana

Prasarita Padottanasana
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

“Once we have evolved towards the awakening of the Ajna Chakra, we perceive an expanded reality, we notice the passing of time, we intuit the linked feelings and thoughts of other people. Ajna spiritually represents the door to our Higher Consciousness.”

Enmanuel Torras Mata

The sixth Chakra is Ajna, associated with the purple color and the Mind element. In Ajna the 3 main Nadis converge, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, and this energetic confluence allows the transformation of individual consciousness to access the highest levels of our own Higher Consciousness; Consciousness expands and becomes homogeneous.


Performing Prasarita Padottanasana brings numerous benefits to the practitioner, as it associates the positive effects of forward bending, inversion, and standing asana.

In summary, its main benefits are:

It stretches the spine and stretches the posterior muscles and tendons of the back and legs.

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Strengthens the shoulders and upper back.

Relax your neck muscles.

Relaxes the inner thigh muscles and helps open up the hips; in fact, it is useful as a preparatory position for Padmasana (another asana).

Teaches mindful leaning forward to help prevent back pain.

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Massages the abdomen, facilitating digestion and any intestinal or menstrual pain.

Being a combination of a slight inversion (head and heart below the hips) and a forward lean, it reduces stress and shields calm and calm.

The sciatic nerve is released by practicing this pose and consequently relieves sciatic pain.

Video demonstration of the Prasarita Padottanasana

All rights and credits to this video belong to the YouTube channel ‘Yoga With Adriene‘, it is NOT ours.

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