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Janushirshasana, the great head-on-leg pose

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.-Know the Janushirshasana


Janushirshasana comes from the Sanskrit ‘JANU‘ meaning ‘knee‘ and ‘SHIRSHA‘ meaning ‘head‘. That is to say, therefore, JANUSHIRSHASANA means the posture of “the head on the leg”.

 This asana is also known as the head-to-knee pose. It is a very effective form of Ashtanga yoga asana that helps you bend your body and touch your knee to your head. It is a form of intermediate yoga.

Practicing this asana regularly can produce a number of holistic effects on the body. The effectiveness of Janushirshasana makes it one of the most formidable yoga poses. Therefore, it is no wonder that this asana has been recommended by the eminent yoga master Aadil Palkhivala.

Janushirshasana asana representation
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

1.3.-Precautions with Janushirshasana:

In short, some of the precautions and contraindications that are related to the practice of Janushirsasana.

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For starters, avoid Janushirsasana asana if you suffer from diarrhea or asthma. Also, in case you have any knee injury, do not flex or overstretch it; instead, use a folded, layered blanket for support. Also, do not practice the asana if you have any serious type of lower back injury or lumbar disc herniation.

2.-Realization of the Janushirsasana

The steps to be followed while practicing Janu Sirsasana are:

First of all, sit in Dandasana with your legs extended in front of you while keeping your legs and hips straight.

Second, bend your right knee and place your right foot against your left inner thigh. Keep your left leg straight and straighten while keeping your right knee pressed firmly into the ground. Likewise, keep your chest and naval straight and aligned.

Inhale, then slowly exhale and lean forward. Grasp your toes with your hands for support, and stretch as far as you feel comfortable.

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Hold the pose for a few seconds. Breathe in slowly and feel your groin, legs, and back fill up.

Performing the Janushirsasana
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

After holding the pose for a few seconds, inhale and release the pose. Stretch your right leg and relax for a while, then repeat the same procedure with the other leg.

3.- Janushirsasana enhances the Manipura Chakra

Using Yoga to open the Chakras is a method by which we achieve inner peace and harmony. The Chakras are an element of our physical and energetic body, which we take into account if we work on our spirituality and modulate our mind.

We will see this activation work reflected in a better physical and mental sensation, and in a better attitude towards ourselves and towards everything around us.

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blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

” Feeding the fire of the third Chakra facilitates the necessary driving force to act and complete everything that we must face in our lives. “

Enmanuel Torras Mata

The third Chakra is Manipura, associated with the color yellow and the element of Fire. It is the center of personal power, and the engine that drives the Kundalini energy to the higher Chakras. Manipura is responsible for generating the momentum you need to take charge of your life.


If you regularly practice Janushirshasana for 10-15 minutes, leg by leg, then it will offer you these amazing benefits:

Firstly, it reduces belly, waist, hip and abdominal fat as it puts pressure on the stomach and abdominal muscles. It also tones the muscles of the spine

It also helps reduce hip and leg pain as it strengthens the leg and hip bones due to the excessive stretching involved in the asana.

Helps to eliminate constipation as it regulates and strengthens the abdominal muscles and affects the large and small intestines; In addition, it relieves stomach swelling. It also improves blood flow in the body, which helps the kidneys function.

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The pancreas is positively affected and that helps to beat diabetes. Also, it helps to recover quickly from any illness.

It offers flexibility to the body due to stretching.

Beneficial for women as it strengthens the genitals and cures menstruation problems after childbirth.

Janushirshasana video demonstration

All rights and credits to this video belong to the YouTube channel ‘VENTUNO YOGA‘, it is NOT ours.

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“Nuestro esfuerzo está enfocado en ofrecer contenidos de calidad sobre el Yoga expuesto en los sutras de Patanjali, el tantra oral de la tradición Shakta del Shivaismo de Cachemira, y de los aspectos más relevantes de la espiritualidad hinduista. En nuestra sociedad occidental, ignorante y complaciente, tanto el Yoga como el Tantra continuamente son vilipendiados y malinterpretados por múltiples pseudo-maestros, que confeccionan, en su provecho, versiones de estas tradiciones milenarias.

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