Tantra Inicio » kashmiri shaivism » Niyama Saucha, how purification influences our mental attitude

Niyama Saucha, how purification influences our mental attitude

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- What you should know about the Niyama Saucha

Saucha‘s sanskrit term could be literally translated as “purity”, “cleanliness” and/or “clarity“. It implies the cleansing of the body, both inside and outside, and mental purification, eliminating negative thoughts and intellectual agitation.

This niyama reminds us that one should live a healthy life and keep the body and mind as pure and balanced as possible.  The convenient diet, daily and complete personal hygiene, as well as personal, aesthetic, emotional and mental care, they are also considered Saucha.

What you should know about the Niyama Saucha

2.-Purification techniques

Saucha has six traditional purification techniques called Shat Kriyas, six of the best known are:

Traditional purification technique
Traditional purification technique

Kapalabhati: active breathing technique.
Neti: clean the nasal cavity with salt water or a thread.
Nauli: massaging the internal organs by creating a vacuum and moving the abdominal muscles (also read about Agnisar kriya and uddiyana bandha to prepare for nauli).
Trataka: gaze at a fixed point in a meditative state, usually the tip of a flame.
Dhauti: Washing of the digestive tube (read Kunjal Kriya and Laghu Shankshprakshalan)
Basti: Yogic enema.

Sri Tulsi organic incense will facilitate your physical and mental purification in your practices, in addition to helping us finance this blog.

2.1.- The diet also purifies us

An important factor in Niyama Saucha to keep the body and mind clean is dietClean and fresh food should be the rule for a healthconscious person.

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If you are full of toxins when you practice yoga, your effort is diluted in dealing with impurities; it is difficult for you to perceive the benefits of Yoga.

Diet also purifies us

2.2.- Elimination of toxins

On a physical level, Shatkarmas help eliminate toxins / diseases from the body, and preserve its functioning, especially if foods contain many preservatives, additives and pesticides. Our body has to work harder to detoxify and eliminate harmful elements.

Elimination of toxins in Saucha

3.- Niyama Saucha in our environment

3.1.- Niyama Saucha on the Mat

It is important that the space where you practice yoga is a pleasant and clean place, to purify the body, mind and soul. We tend to mix the practice of yoga with crossfit, dance and others, but we must understand that yoga is an art and a science, so it must be practiced exclusively.

Niyama Saucha on the Mat

If we eat an apple full of pesticides, our body has to detoxify and digest the impurities, before we can absorb the qualities of the apple. The same goes for our yoga practice.

3.2.- Niyama Saucha in the environment

Our environment often reflects our state of mind. When your bedroom or home is cluttered, it’s possible that your mind can be just as cluttered. But when we are surrounded by a clean environment, we feel like we have room to breathe and think more clearly. To purify spaces, make use of Sri Tulsi organic incense and you will improve the environment.

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Saucha in the environment

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