Dandasana is a simple seated pose with the legs stretched out in front of the body, and the spine long and erect.
Trikonasana is a standing yoga pose that requires strength, balance, and flexibility. In this pose, both arms are extended with the legs apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle.
Halasana comes from the Sanskrit ‘HALA’, which means ‘plow’; and ‘ASANA’ which means ‘posture’. Therefore, the translation of Halasana is ‘the position of the plow’
1.- Introduction to the Oyster Posture Oyster Pose is a variant of Kurmasana,…
1.-Know the Janushirshasana 1.2-Etymology: Janushirshasana comes from the Sanskrit ‘JANU‘ meaning ‘knee‘ and…
Prasarita Padottanasana activates the Muladhara chakra (“root chakra”, the one that moves our physical energy and dominates our will to live.