Going through the Shiva Purana, in this most important text of Kashmir Shaivism, we find the incredible story of the civilization that came before us, a story about the past life of our generation.
The vision of the ancient Eastern tradition on eroticism and sexuality, and the conscious control of human sexual functions, establishes that this process leads to biological reactions of transmutation and sublimation of sexual energy
Pranayama is the method to increase your masculine energy, as well as to sublimate sexual energy, in a controlled and conscious way.
EnergyMeditation TechniquesPurification Techniques
Great meditation for expanding and contracting energy
The beneficial effects of the expansion and contraction of energy are a state of inner harmony, wholeness, happiness and balance.
Our effort is focused on offering quality content based on the sacred scriptures of traditional Hatha Yoga. Also on the oral Tantra of the Shakta tradition of Kashmir Shivaism, the most relevant aspects of the Hindu spirituality and Advaita Vedānta.
In our Western society, ignorant and compliant, both Yoga and Tantra are continually vilified and missunderstood by multiple pseudo-masters, who contoct, for their own benefit, versions of this ancient traditions.
In the tantric pantheon, the sixth Great Cosmic Wisdom is Chinnamasta, the headless goddess.
This particularity suggests her ability to transcend her mind and functions, so that she ultimately achieves ecstatic reabsorption into the Void of Higher Consciousness.