Tantra Inicio » chakra » Pranayama is the great method of enhancing vital energy

Pranayama is the great method of enhancing vital energy

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- What is Pranayama? 

Pranayama is the method to increase your vital energy, as well as to sublimate energy, in a controlled and conscious way.

Pranayama has multiple benefits, such as increasing your lung capacity, learning to relax, etc. For this reason, for millennia, it has been practiced as a fundamental part of the practice of Yoga.

Pranayama means “breath control“. A deeper meaning for this term is that of vital force, which refers to its control.

Prana (or life force) can be perceived and controlled, provided the yogi purifies and controls his body, his mind, his desires and thoughts.

Pranayama the method of enhancing vital energy. The vital force is an aspect of Prana. Prana is within us, as well as physical, mental and psychic processes.

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The energy of prana in our inner being
The energy of prana in our inner being

2.- What is the relationship between Prana and Sexual energy? 

The center of the pranic energies of Pranayama is in the Muladhara Chakra. In this chakra is the source of energy (Shakti), and from it is born the central channel Sushumna Nadi.

Ida and Pingala are the two nadis located on the sides of the central channel, and they are located on both sides of the body, IDA on the left and PINGALA on the right.

Pranayama energy circulates through the two nadis: Ida and Pingala. Normally the energy does not flow through the Sushumna nadi, since the entrance to this nadi is closed; so the energy flows easily through these two lateral Nadis.

The energy that circulates through the sushumna nadi within us
The energy that circulates through the sushumna nadi within us

3.- Pranayama: Vital energy and its benefits

When the vital energy that we enhance in Pranayama is not balanced within us, that same lack, and absence of balance, causes the need for that energy; consequently, we look for it abroad.

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It is essential in the life of a person to balance and enhance their vital energy, because if they do not enhance it, they will live a life with lack of fullness, since the balance between the masculine and feminine aspects are essential to be in harmony with the genre that has been given to us.

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