svadhishthana chakra
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Vasisthasana better known as the side plank pose

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- Vasisthasana and the great sage Vasistha

1.1.- All about Vasisthasana

Vasisthasana asana is named after the great sage Vasistha. It sets in motion and strengthens strategic muscles not treated by other classic postures.

As we name our streets and boulevards after our great personalities to honor them, so yogis name certain asanas after some great masters, in order to perpetuate their memory.

Thus, Ardha-Matsyendrasana is named after the great Rihthi Matsyendra, and Vasisthasana is named after the great sage Vasistha.

Vasisthasana better known as the side plank pose
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
Vasisthasana asana is named after the great sage Vasistha.

2.- How to do this Vasisthasana

2.1.- The first steps to reproduce Vasisthasana

Although little known, this asana deserves regular practice, as it gets moving and strengthens strategic muscle groups that are not treated in the least by other classic postures.

Learning this asana is easy, and its practice requires little time.

 How to do this Vasisthasana
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

3.- Vasisthasana enhances the Manipura Chakra

Using Yoga to open the Chakras is a method by which we achieve inner peace and harmony. The Chakras are an element of our physical and energetic body, which we take into account if we work on our spirituality and modulate our mind.

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We will see this activation work reflected in a better physical and mental sensation, and in a better attitude towards ourselves and towards everything around us.

Vasisthasana enhances the Manipura Chakra
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

” Feeding the fire of the third Chakra facilitates the necessary driving force to act and complete everything that we must face in our lives. “

Enmanuel Torras Mata

The third Chakra is Manipura, associated with the color yellow and the element of Fire. It is the center of personal power, and the engine that drives the Kundalini energy to the higher Chakras. Manipura is responsible for generating the momentum you need to take charge of your life.

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4.- The left side

4.1.- How to do it correctly on the left side

Sit on the floor, legs stretched out in front of you. Lean slightly to the right side, placing your right hand on the floor in line with your hips, and then rotate your legs to support your weight on your right hand and right leg and hip. Place your left hand on your left hip.

Stretch your back and core muscles to lift your body off the ground. You must be careful to form a straight line with your body, just like a sentinel bestowing honors. Now the body is in contact with the ground only with the right hand and the sole.

If you stretch your soles like a ballet dancer, you will find that you cannot maintain the balance and straight line of your entire body.

The left side Vasisthasana  
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
The legs should be one on top of the other.

Inhale and describe a semicircle with the left arm so that we can bring it along the body. Stay still in this position for 10-20 breaths.

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Keep your left arm in the position described above, and then lift your left leg, not allowing your body to bend.

If you have trouble keeping your balance, keep your eyes open. In this case, look straight ahead.

4.2.- Focus on the left side

When focusing this exercise on the left side, we must take several factors into account so that it comes out as well as possible and thus obtain all the benefits that this asana produces.

In this way, what you have to do is:

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Feel the intense energy of the left arm and leg.

Notice the intense flow of energy through the spine.

Perceive the activation of the subtle center of force.

Manipura Chakra in its lunar, receptive, feminine aspect.

5.- The Right Side

5.1.- Procedure to make the correct use with the right side.

Sit on the floor, with your legs stretched out in front of you. Lean slightly to the left side, placing your left hand on the floor in line with your hips, and then rotate your legs so your weight is on your left hand and your left leg and hip. Place your right hand on your right hip.

Stretch your back and core muscles to lift your body off the ground. You must be careful to form a straight line with your body, just like a sentinel bestowing honors. The body is now in contact with the ground only with the left hand and the sole of the foot.

 Vasisthasana Right side 
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
Stretch your back and core muscles to lift your body off the ground.

First of all, the legs should be one on top of the other, under no circumstances should you support your weight on one hand and both soles, only on one hand and the corresponding sole. Also don’t stretch the soles like a ballet dancer, keep them in a perpendicular line at the shin line.

If you stretch your soles like a ballet dancer, you will find that you cannot maintain the balance and straight line of your entire body.

Inhale and describe a semicircle with the right arm so that we can bring it along the body. Stay still in this position for 10-20 breaths.

Then inhale and describe a semicircle with the right arm so that we can take it along the body. Stay still in this position for 10-20 breaths. And return to the base position.

If you have trouble keeping your balance, keep your eyes open. In this case, look straight ahead.

5.2.- Focus on the Right side

To focus the exercise on the right side and in the right way, several points must be taken into account to make this practice more motivating and efficient. What we should do is:

Feel the intense energy of the right arm and leg.

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Feel the intense flow of energy through the spine.

Perceive the activation of the subtle center of force.

Manipura Chakra in its solar, emissive, masculine aspect.

Manipura Right side
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

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