1.- The fifth Chakra Vishuddha or the door to Consciousness
The fifth Chakra Vishuddhi (or Vishuddha) is considered the doorway to our Higher Consciousness; through this center we reach a “profound purification” of our being, and establish contact with our meta-senses, which flower spontaneously.
The Sanskrit word VI means “very deep” and SHUDDHI means “to purify“, so the fifth Chakra is the level we access after achieving a personal purification.
Vishuddha Chakra is the manifestation of living a life without mental speech, being present and settled in reality, so that it becomes the authentic Guru (the present Consciousness). This leads us to the awakening of a deep intuition, and discernment of reality. The fight of duality ceases, in which we try to avoid the unpleasant aspects of existence, and access only the pleasant ones. Instead, “we flow with both poison and nectar“.
During the practice required to activate this Chakra, we recommend using a suitable incense like this one we offer from Goloka Fifth Chakra ishuddha.
An especially important feature of the Vishuddha Chakra is the superior discriminating ability or Jñãna. It is about distinguishing what comes from our mind, that is, what we are self-manufacturing, from what is an inspiration from your Higher Consciousness. Discover what it means to “manufacture from the mind“, continuously, what we call reality.
2.- Symbology of the fifth Chakra Vishuddha
2.1.- Description of the Vishuddha Yantra
A blue lotus with 16 petals. As in all the Chakras, each petal corresponds to the number of Nadis that cross the Chakra. A different Bija Mantra is placed on each petal, specifically they are: AM, AAM, IM, IIM /UM, UUM, RIM, RIIM / LRIM, LRIIM, ENG, AING/ ONG, AUNG, ANG, AHANG.
In the center of the flower appears its Yantra (symbol) inside a white circle, like the full moon. This circle represents the element (or Tattva) Ether or, said in sanskrit, Akasha.
This Ether element is not very familiar in Western esoteric traditions, to the point that in many of them it is omitted.
Inside the moon is its power animal, Airvata, a white elephant, which is considered the transport to the etheric plane.
2.2.- The energies of the fifth Chakra Vishuddha
The first of the levels of sound vibration is located in Muladhara Chakra, and thus elevating us Chakra to Chakra until the fifth, Vishuddha Chakra. The sound stimulates the vibration of each energy center, through the vowels or Bija Mantras that are drawn on the petals of each Chakra.
There is a Yoga linked to sound, vibration and music. It is known by the name of Nada Yoga. In this Yoga the two Chakras that are most taken into account are Muladhara and Vishuddha. In Nada Yoga the work of awakening and raising the kundalini energy is done through the musical scale. Also by chanting the Bija Mantras, Kundalini is made to ascend at will to each Chakra.
3.- Tantras and Vishuddha Chakra
According to the Kularnava Tantra, if you do your concentration (or Dharana) and meditation (or Dhyana) centered on the Vishuddha Chakra, you become “transparent”, like the ether.
In the ancient Tantras it is stated that the Bindu, located just below the crown of the head, secretes a fluid, which, when meditated correctly, rushes from the crown to the Vishuddha Chakra; we perceive it as a sweetness of the part of the tongue that is below the throat.
It is also called Amrita (or nectar), and the ancient scriptures known as the Vedas refer to it as the Soma. The same is visualized in some of the Tantric-Tibetan initiations and can be compared to the wine rite in the Christian Eucharist. In the Muslim world, Omar Khayam, the great Sufi poet, extols it in his famous Rubaiyat, as if it were wine (ambrosia). We find the presence of this “nectar” in all traditions as synonymous with ecstasy or the deep state of happiness.
4.- The Palate Chakra
The Lalana Chakra, also called Talu, is a center located in the palate, just where the hard palate ends and the soft palate begins. Although we have been able to access through our own effort to Vishuddha, crossing this center is only possible through the initiation or “grace” of the Guru.
In Talu the ambrosia or distilled nectar of Bindu is accumulated; To successfully access this Chakra, the practice known as the Khechari Mudra is necessary.
5.- Correspondences and meaning of the fifth Chakra Vishuddha
5.1.- Purification
Remember that the essence of Vishuddha is purification, because this ambrosia distilled by Bindu can be poisonous if not purified. The practitioner must use Vishuddha to purify the poison from the nectar. If this purification process is not carried out, the distilled fluid descends to Manipura, where it is consumed by the heat or internal fire (Agni).
Keeping Vishuddha activated with your will, the drops of Amrita precipitated from the Lalana Chakra are purified, facilitating its absorption to enjoy its benefits: among them, great control over the need to eat or drink, or slow down the progressive deterioration of age.
The fifth Chakra Vishuddha implies a purification of our gaze; This new look will lead us to be critical, but with the absence of negative prejudices.
Enmanuel Torras Mata
5.2.- Spiritual correspondence
DEITY = Sadashiva
GODDESS = Sakini
GUNA = Sattwa
COLOR = Blue lotus with red letters
5.3.- Physiological correspondence
GLANDS = Thyroid and parathyroid, which regulate metabolism and balance the mental state.
BODY ORGANS = Lymphatic system, neck, shoulders, arms and hands.
CONDITIONS = Hypo and hyperthyroidism, torticollis, angina, hearing difficulties, language problems, colds.
NUTRITION = Fruit is recommended, since Vishuddha enhances the energy of the vitamins in food.
5.4.- Psychological correspondence
The blockage of this Chakra prevents expression, and the energy that is concentrated in the throat “drowns” us, even with physical sensations. We express ourselves with superficial content, without depth. Or we use the word to manipulate, hurt and/or deceive.
With Vishuddha harmonized, inspiration appears, assertive communication, and the expression in essence of our purest knowledge, feelings and thoughts to others, spontaneously and authentically.
5.5.- What can you expect from the opening of the Vishuddha Chakra
The opening of this Chakra comes after opening our heart, and the pure feelings that emanate from the Anahata Chakra; From now on, our awakened Vishuddha will allow us to listen to the other comprehensively and compassionately.
We can already confess our ignorance; it is the beginning of our true spiritual life. Vishuddha helps us find meaning in our lives, and learn to express it clearly and creatively, to make it materialize.
Life is constant change. Let go of the unknown, embrace the new and adapt. Leave our conditions and certainties, and flow.
For Kashmiri Shaivism practitioners, focusing and controlling Vishuddha allows one to develop Siddhis, or extrasensory powers; An example is the power to force another person to carry out an action, against her will.
5.5.1.- The fifth Chakra Vhisuddha in disharmony
The constant indecision.
Difficulty resolving conflicts.
Lack of communication.
Be afraid of change.
Feelings of regret and sadness.
Tendency to introversion and withdrawal.
Make destructive criticism, without perspectives.
Have a reality based on little lies.
Being escessively perfectionist.
Lack of compassion and lack of tact.
Inertia over time and/or attachment to the past.
The verbiage without practical sense, to fill gaps.
The painful inhability to express emotions.
5.5.2.- The fifth Chakra Vishuddha in harmony
Tolerant when peace is respected.
Get up without hesitation without alterations or violent forms.
Thought puts itself at the service of established truth.
Conservative sentiment and respect for traditional values.
Ability to be assertive and sincere.
Creative personality focused on delivering superior quality.
Great ability to express yourself and listen to others.
A contemplative and devotional attitude appears.
Feelings begin to prevail over thoughts.
A new relationship with sound and the voice itself.
Do I want to risk making changes?
In what areas of my life do I feel routine?
What do I have to do to get out of it?
Why is it difficult for me to express myself?
Be creative in everyday life.
Listen to the sounds of nature.
6.- Practices (Kriyas) to awaken the fifth Chakra Vishuddha
6.1.- Practice 1: Jalandhara Bandh
Contraindications: people with high intracranial pressure, or with heart disease, should not do this practice without expert guidance.
Sit in any meditation posture that allows your knees to firmly touch the ground. Those who cannot sit like this can practice jalandhara bandha sitting on a chair or standing. If you do it sitting down, put the palms of your hands on your knees.
Close your eyes and relax your whole body. Inhale deeply, hold your breath and bring your head first hacia backwards and then, forwards, pressing your chin hard against your chest, inserting your chin over the jugular depression. Straighten your arms and keep them in that position. Simultaneously roll your shoulders up and forward. Continue in the final pose for as long as you can hold your breath comfortably. Then bend your arms, relax your shoulders and slowly release the lock, raise your head and exhale.
6.2.- Practice 2: Khechari Mudra
Sit in a comfortable meditation posture. Close your mouth and roll your tongue back and up so that the lower surface touches the upper palate. Stretch the tip of your tongue out as far as you can, without exerting too much effort. Keep it there as long as it’s comfortable for you.
The further back you go, the more vital points are stimulated.
Breathing: Breathe normally during practice, unless you are using ujjayi. One of the main purposes of this exercise, in addition to stimulating the Chakras, is to slow down breathing.
6.3.- Practice 3: Ujjayi Pranayama
Sit in a comfortable meditation posture. The tongue in khechari mudra. Feel the breath go in and out through your throat, not through your nostrils. When you breathe under these conditions, the sound of a very soft snore or sigh should automatically arise from the throat region.
6.4.- Practice 4: location and purification of the Chakra and Kshetram
Sit or stand in front of a mirror. Put the finger of one hand on the glottis or hyoid bone (above the Adam’s apple). This is the location point of the kshetram. Then put one finger of the other hand on the cervical spine, directly behind the kshetram, exactly at the C3 and C4 cervical vertebrae. This point on the spinal cord is called the vishuddhi chakra.
Press gently on these two points for one minute, to feel the sensation in the chakra area, and then lower your hands. Focus on the sensation that the sensation that the pressure has left on the chakra and mentally repeat “vishuddhi, vishuddhi, vishuddhi”.
Fold your tongue in khechari mudra and practice ujjayi pranayama. For a minute or so become aware of the breath in your throat, and allow the breath to become slower and deeper.
Do this practice for 5 minutes. Daily practice in this way gradually develops the sensitivity of the Vishuddha chakra and its Kshetram.
6.5.- Practice 5: Viparita Karani Asana
Relax the whole body. Raise both legs, keeping them straight and together. Push with your arms and hands, lifting your buttocks. Curl your spine off the ground by bringing your legs over your head. Put your palms up, bend your elbows, and let the tops of your hips rest on the heels of your palms near your wrists. The hands support the hips and support the weight of the body. Keep your elbows as close as you can.
Raise your legs upright and relax your feet. In the final pose, the weight of the body relaxes on the shoulders and elbows, the trunk is at a 45-degree angle from the ground, and the legs are vertical. Note that the chin does not touch the chest. The hands remain, as support, at the height of the kidneys.
Close your eyes and relax in the final posture, relaxing all the muscles that are not involved in the posture. To return to the starting position, slowly bend your spine vertebra by vertebra on the floor.