We celebrate the eighth Shivaratri of the year 2022 on August 25 according to the tradition of Shivaism of Kashmir: the light of Consciousness bless us!
We celebrate the seventh Shivaratri of the year 2022 on June 26 according to the tradition of Shivaism of Kashmir: the light of Consciousness bless us!
We celebrate the seventh Shivaratri of the year 2022 on June 26 according to the tradition of Shivaism of Kashmir: the light of Consciousness bless us!
A YANTRA is a geometric design that acts as a doorway for contemplation and meditation. A YANTRA is a geometric design that acts as a doorway for contemplation and meditation.
We celebrate the sixth Shivaratri of the year 2022 on May 28 according to the tradition of Shivaism of Kashmir: the light of Consciousness bless us!
Padahastasana is one of the 12 basic postures of Hatha yoga. It is also the third pose of surya namaskar, the sun salutation sequence. It is believed to reduce tamas, which means heaviness or inertia in the body.
According to the scriptures, Sri Yantra is considered one of the powerful and auspicious Yantras that is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. It comes from sanskrit, ‘Shree’ meaning ‘wealth’ and ‘Yantra’ meaning ‘Instrument’.
1.- Yantra of Ganesha: What is it? The Yantra of Ganesha is a…
We celebrate the fifth Shivaratri of the year 2022 on April 28 according to the tradition of Shivaism of Kashmir: the light of Consciousness bless us!