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Sri Yantra, better known as King of Yantras

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- Sri Yantra: What is it?

According to the scriptures, Sri Yantra is considered the oldest, most powerful and auspicious Yantra, symbolizing the primordial energy that comes from the union between male and female. It comes from sanskrit, ‘Shree’ meaning ‘wealth’ and ‘Yantra‘ meaning ‘Instrument‘.

Atman, from the Sanskrit ātman, literally means “essence, breath or soul“. So, in Hindu philosophy, and especially in the Vedanta school of Hinduism, Atman is the first principle, the true self of an individual, beyond identification with phenomena. In other words, it is the essence of an individual. So, to attain liberation (moksha), one must acquire self-knowledge (atma jnana); that is, realizing that the true self (Atman) is identical to the transcendent Brahman self.

Atan Yantra or better known as Sri Yantra blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
Atman Yantra

2.- Sri Yantra: What does its shape mean?

2.1- Composition

Sri Yantra is the mother or “queen” of all yantras, because all other yantras are derived from it. First of all, it is made up of a geometric pattern that represents the totality of creation and existence; through the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, or “non-duality” between the “I” or soul (Atman), and the infinite or higher metaphysical reality (Brahman). Second, it symbolizes the spiritual release and freedom found through self-realization and awareness of the divine within ourselves; the divine in others and in all beings, and the non-dual Oneness of Atman with Brahman.

Sri Yantra is the mother or "queen" of all yantras blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
1.-Four triangles pointing up
2.-Five triangles pointing down
3.-Central figure
4.-Complete Sri Yantra

2.2.- Components

First of all, the Sri Yantra is a configuration of nine interlocking triangles radiating outward from a central point called the ‘Bindu‘. So this Bindu point represents the supreme mother (Devi) and where the unmanifest is manifested. To clarify, it is the cosmic spiritual union of Shiva (Divine Masculine) and Shakti (Divine Feminine). Next, enclosing the Bindu point and superimposed on each other are the four Shiva triangles with vertices upwards and five Shakti triangles (including the inner triangle) with vertices downwards.

Components blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Second, these nine main interlocking ShivaShakti triangles form forty-three smaller triangles, which house all the Deities, who are the conscious forces that govern the various powers of nature both in the cosmos and in an individual.

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Two circles of lotuses, one with eight petals and the other with sixteen petals surround these triangles and represent creation and vitality. The outer frame denotes a temple-like sanctuary, with four openings or entrances to the infinite regions of the universe.

Shiva and Shakti are involved in the entire process of “Becoming” or “awakening” in its microcosmic (Atman) and cosmic (Brahman) aspects. With Shakti comes creation through the awakening of the kundalini, and with Shiva comes dissolution and a constant recreation of all that exists.

3.- Sri Yantra: What is it for?

It has been used for thousands of years as a focus of meditation, prayer, or concentration to help the individual “awaken” or become aware of infinity and their Oneness with God. It is a tool that is used to visualize the totality of our existence. In other words, our spiritual journey from the stage of material existence to self-realization and enlightenment is mapped out in the Sri Yantra.

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Sri Yantra: What is it for? blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

First of all, it is considered an important instrument of wealth. A person who regularly worships Sri Yantra achieves success and stays happy in life. Sri Yantra is believed to bring health, wealth and success.

Sri Yantra is the best solution for every problem and furthermore it is said to be the most loved by Goddess Lakshmi. Also, this Yantra is the most powerful of all Yantras, that is why it is called Yantra-Raj.

This Yantra also provides success in business and increase in your income. Also, if you are facing problems related to health, wealth and prosperity, you can perform Sri Yantra Puja on Diwali.

In conclusion, the benefits that Sri Yantra offers you are:

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You will achieve success in every job.

It will bring you health, wealth and prosperity instead.

You will receive the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Venus.

You can fulfill all your wishes.

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Sri Yantra creates the positive energy that surrounds us.

Happiness comes to your door.

Sri Yantra blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

ओम गम श्रीं महा लक्ष्मीयै नमः

“Om Gum Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha”.

“My salutations to the great goddess Lakshmi.”

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