1.- Learn Padahastasana
1.1.- The provenance of Padahastasana
Padahastasana is one of the 12 basic postures of Hatha yoga. It is also the third pose of surya namaskar, the sun salutation sequence. It is believed to reduce tamas, which means heaviness or inertia in the body.
Padahastasana comes from the Sanskrit ‘PADA‘ which means ‘foot‘; ‘UP‘ which means ‘hand‘; and ‘ASANA‘ which means ‘posture‘. As a result, this asana involves a forward bend of the trunk, touching or grasping the fingers with the hands.
The English name for padahastasana is gorilla pose or hand under foot pose.
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1.2.- All about Padahastasana
Padahastasana can be performed with the hands simply moving towards the feet, as in a flowing sun salutation. Padahastasana is considered an important pose because in addition to the physical stretching and strengthening benefits, it has pranic benefits. By removing tamas from the body, it helps the practitioner feel lighter and more energized.
1.3.- Activation of Muladhara Chakra
Using Yoga to access the Chakras is a way that generates inner peace and calm. Chakras are elements of our material and non-material body, which must be taken into account if we work on our spirituality and modulate our mind.
This activation process will be reflected in a better physical and mental sensation, and as a consequence an improvement in our attitude towards ourselves and everything around us will be noticed.
“Muladhara Chakra is the Chakra that opens and allows us to connect to the inexhaustible source of vital energy. In this center rests the Kundalini serpent, which once awakened, transforms us physically, mentally and spiritually”
Enmanuel Torras Mata
The chakra that is associated with the color red, in addition to the element of Earth, is the first Chakra Muladhara. Kundalini resides in this first Chakra, which is the vital energy that, once awakened, rises through our spinal column, healing the rest of our Chakras. Activating the Muladhara allows us to live with more confidence, tranquility, making us feel that our principles are solid.
Padahastasana helps to find harmony between nature and spirit.
2.- Realization of Padahastasana
1. First of all, stand tall in Tadasana.
2. Next, spread your feet hip-width apart with your arms by your sides.
3. Exhale and lean forward at the hips as you lengthen your spine.3. Exhale and lean forward at the hips as you lengthen your spine.
4. Lower your arms and place your palms under your feet.
5. Compress the big toes towards the thumbs of the hands.
6. For 30 seconds hold this pose.
7. Finally, to come out of the pose, release your hands from your feet and return to your starting position.
3.- Beneficial effects of the Asana
In summary, the main benefits of this asana are:
First of all, practicing this asana strengthens the shoulders and slims the waist.
In addition, the abdominal organs are toned, since the amount of gastric secretions is greater, and the spleen and liver are more active.
Also, this asana cures different gastric disorders.
On the other hand, the displaced vertebrae gradually regain their correct position.
After practicing this asana, we will feel full of vigor for quite a long time.
If there are people who have uneven length in their feet, they can reduce the difference by practicing this asana for three months and massaging the shorter foot with sunflower or mustard oil before and after practice.
On the other hand, other beneficial effects of this asana include: physical growth in height, reaching a normal weight, and an elastic spine.
4.- Contraindications for its execution
To begin with, if you suffer from back problems, herniated discs, neck pain, fibrillary tears in the legs or any muscle injury, it is better to refrain from practicing this asana. Above all, do not practice the pose if you have high blood pressure. Also, it is advisable to master the Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana) before attempting this pose.
In summary, the most likely contraindications are:
Back problems.
Herniated discs.
Neck pain.
Fibrillar tears in the legs.