Tantric techniques for spiritual development
The tantric techniques are a set of practices that offer us different paths to reach the final knowledge of what we really are.
Tantra is a Hindu concept that comes from the syllables TAN which means “cessation“, and TRA which means “release“. So the ultimate meaning of TANTRA is to “stop the mind“, in order to free ourselves from the yoke to which our mental discourse subjects us.
Unfortunately, in the West Tantra is given different connotations, above all it is associated with practices or techniques that are related to sexuality. In fact, all the techniques that refer to Tantra, even those that deal with sexuality, have as their final goal freeing us from our mind, and accessing a sacred experience of altered Consciousness that allows us to recognize that we are Really.
So we can summarize that the tantric techniques related to traditional Tantra facilitate entering a state of no mind (Unmani), to reach the self-knowledge of “that” that we really are. .
There are many types of tantric techniques, but they mainly have as a means different paths of Yoga, such as Bhakti Yoga, self-knowledge through devotion, Jnana Yoga, liberation through wisdom, Guru Yoga, recognition with the grace of the spiritual master, Raja Yoga entering the state of no mind through action , etc.