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Breath, focus and seed are in connection

por Enmanuel Torras Mata
Breath, focus and seed are in connection
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

The stability of the erotic effervescence and, consequently, the control over the sexual energy, are closely related to a constant breathing and a mental pattern.

Breath, focus and the seed are connected: An effective way to control the vital seed, that is, the sperm, is through a correct diet, which implies a healthy lifestyle.

If a man can consciously control his breathing or his mind while making love, he will never have to deal with involuntary ejaculation; or the senseless loss of its vital essence.

Instead, he will use all of his sexual potential energy, to transform and sublimate this energy into more refined forms of energy.

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“The breath, the thought and the seed are the three components of our divine potential. Therefore, these must be in harmony and consciously controlled.
The yogi who actually manages to unite these three elements (breath, thought and seed) in union becomes truly the indestructible one, endowed with transcendental spontaneity”


“As long as the breathing is erratic and moving, the seed (sperm) is also effervescent and moving. When the breath slows down, the seed also remains, just like the breath”

blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

From the point of view of ejaculation, it is important that we understand that of the five types of subtle energy that are manifested in each human being, the most important are PRANAVAYU, associated with energy absorption processes, and APANA-VAYU, associated with with excretory processes.

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The recommended tantric techniques for ejaculation control consist of reversing the sense of the APANA type of energy. When we come across an ancient text that says “the sperm reaches the brain”, it is obvious that they are referring to the subtle sexual energies that are transformed and sublimated.

The connection between these two types of energy and the breath is as follows: inhalation controls PRANA-VAYU and exhalation controls APANA-VAYU.


blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

You can also exercise while making love, being aware of your breathing the entire time. Regulate the rhythm of your breathing so that when you enter your lover you exhale and when you leave you inhale.

Maintain this breathing pattern as long as you are not near the point of no return, but once you feel yourself getting close to it, follow these tips:

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When you are close to the point of no return, reverse the rhythm mentioned above, which means that you will have to exhale when you draw and inhale when you penetrate.

Breathe deeply and calmly as you make love, going several times back and forth in one breath.

Another highly effective technique is to take a quick breath in through your nose and exhale in one breath through your mouth as follows: in while you partially inhale, out while holding your breath. Go in again as you inhale a little more, and go out while holding your breath; until your lungs are full.

GORAKSHA SAMHITA Breath, focus and seed are in connection
blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
Breath, focus and seed are in connection

Now exhale through your mouth in one breath. You can combine all of these processes with JIVA BANDHA, which rotates the tongue backwards until the back rests on the palate.

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Ancient Taoist trick: As you approach the point of no return, clench your teeth and press your lips together until you feel a vibration in your ears.

Another practical and very useful method to control your sexual energy is to practice the techniques of HATHA YOGA (asana, pranayama and meditation). You will find information in our Tantric Yoga section.

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