THE NIYAMA SVADHYAYA is understood as the capacity for self-analysis, which you can acquire through meditation and contemplation. This means both the study of your interior and the Science of YOGA, which leads to the discovery of yourself.
Enmanuel Torras Mata
The Tapas concept represents discipline and/or austerity, not as an act of sacrifice, but as a burning enthusiasm. It implies making use of the inner fire to eliminate the obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling a purpose.
SANTOSHA is the second Yama described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and its broader meaning is that of Virtue, which originates in the acceptance of any circumstance, and the satisfaction that comes from oneself and not from the outside. Santosha is both an attitude and a state of deep inner peace.
The Sanskrit term for SAUCHA could be literally translated as “purity”, “cleanliness” and/or “clarity”. It involves cleansing the body, both inside and out, and mental purification, eliminating negative thoughts and intellectual agitation.
The vision of the ancient Eastern tradition on eroticism and sexuality, and the conscious control of human sexual functions, establishes that this process leads to biological reactions of transmutation and sublimation of sexual energy
The balance of breath, inhalation and exhalation determines the balance of prana vayu and apana vayu.