Even when we do not suspect it, love is the supreme law of the universe: a mysterious law, which governs and orders everything, beginning with the lifeless atom, up to the union of rational beings.
Enmanuel Torras Mata
“The Wise Yogi will lead Kundalini to meet her Master, who is in the Place of Complete Freedom, in the pure lotus from the top of the head.
When Kundalini rises, all things are being absorbed into HER.” -
Vasisthasana asana is named after the great sage Vasistha. It sets in motion and strengthens strategic muscles not treated by other classic postures.
Sirsasana is an advanced inversion that exhibits strength, control, and the beauty of overcoming the fear of falling through physical and mental balance. The name is derived from Sanskrit sirsa, meaning “head”, and asana meaning “pose” or “posture”.