Tantra Inicio » asana » Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as standing half bow

Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as standing half bow

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- Ardha Dhanurasana: What is it?

Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as Standing Half Bow, is a backbend asana that is a less intense variation of the common Hatha Yoga pose, Dhanurasana.  From sanskrit, Ardha meanshalf“, Dhanur  means “bow” and Asana  means “pose“.

Ardha Dhanurasana begins by lying on the stomach. One leg remains on the mat while the other is bent. Then the same hand reaches back to grab the foot, lifting the chest off the ground and creating an arch in the back.  A yoga strap can be used to help the yogi reach the ankle.

Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as standing half bow
Full Ardha dhanurasana pose

2.- Terms in Sanskrit and the muscular extension of this

The sanskrit term ARDHA means “half“.  Consequently, the name of this  asana  can be translated as  “half arch standing“.

This asana has all the beneficial effects of Dhanurasana. The muscular extension allows the spine to gain flexibility. This posture is also a good preparation for the practice of Dhanurasana and other twisting yoga postures.

Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as standing half bow
You can exercise this stretch on the beach

3.- The intensity of practicing Ardha Dhanurasana

Well executed Ardha Dhanurasana provides an intense stretch. In addition to opening the third Manipura chakra, which is the center of subtle fire energy and personal power.  By activating the Manipura chakra, the yogi dispels fear and insecurity;  self-confidence is also activated, and a sense of purpose is recovered or found. So stimulating inner fire and personal power creates a renewed attitude to drive your goals.

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In our online store you can find a suitable incense to help you in this Ardha Dhanurasana practice.

Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as standing half bow
It can be practiced in all kinds of landscapes without any concern

Ardha Dhanurasana also opens the Nadis, thereby promoting the flow of Prana in the body. By regulating the flow of inner energy, the pose will lead you to self-realization. the pose gives you power, develops your attitude of detachment, and helps to internalize yourself in your meditative practice.

It increases concentration, improves willpower and self-esteem, increases clarity, and relieves stress and depression.

Ardha Dhanurasana

4.- The activation of the Chakras thanks to Ardha Dhanurasana

4.1.- Ardha Dhanurasana enhances several chakras

Using Yoga to open the Chakras is one of the ways by which we can achieve inner peace and harmony. The Chakras are part of our physical and energetic body, so we must take them into account if we want to work on our spirituality and modulate our mind.

The result of the activation will be reflected in an improvement in our physical and mental sensation, and in the attitude towards ourselves and towards everything that surrounds us.

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4.2.- Muladhara Chakra

The first Chakra is Muladhara, it is connected to red in addition to the Earth element. Kundalini resides in Muladhara, the vital energy that, when awakened, rises up our spine, cleaning all the Chakras. Awakening this Chakra allows us to live with more security, tranquility and gives us a feeling of a solid foundation.

Muladhara Chakra

“Muladhara Chakra is the Chakra that opens and allows us to connect to the inexhaustible source of vital energy. In this center rests the Kundalini serpent, which once awakened, transforms us physically, mentally and spiritually”

Enmanuel Torras Mata

4.3.- Svadhishtana Chakra

Ardha Dhanurasana helps to unlock the second Chakra Svadhisthana, which is associated with orange and the element of Water. It is in this Chakra where dreams, desires, fantasies are awakened, as well as the core of pleasure and pain… Our sentimental and emotional have a great charge on this center, and unfortunately, also the harmful impulses of the mind. The lack of harmony of Svadhishthana is common, and usually generates many misunderstandings, since we link the sublime Love of Anahata with the instigation of the desire of Svadhishthana.

SUKHASANA enhances the Svadhishthana chakra

“We must recognize that part of our life is governed by this center of power; we may find that this part occupies most of our living space”

Enmanuel Torras Mata

4.4.- Manipura Chakra

Manipura is the third Chakra, it is linked to yellow in addition to Fire. It makes up the core of personal power, and the driver of Kundalini energy in the upper Chakras. This Chakra is responsible for creating the strength you need to take charge of your life.

Manipura Chakra

” Feeding the fire of the third Chakra facilitates the driving force necessary to act and complete everything that we must face in our lives. “

Enmanuel Torras Mata

4.5.- Anahata Chakra

Associated with the color green and the element of Air, the fourth Chakra Anahata is the intermediate between the lower and upper Chakras. In it is the heart, and from this center of power the purest and most sincere feelings of Love are released in an abstract way, without limits. Activating it shows us a higher experience of our life, and stimulates us to maintain a more spiritual life.

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Anahata Chakra

“Anahata Chakra represents the center of our Being. From this center of power where the heart is located, emanates the purest and most sincere feeling of Love, and it is the gateway to God.”

Enmanuel Torras Mata

5.- The benefits offered by Ardha Dhanurasana

Finally, ardha dhanurasana offers multiple mental health benefits.

Dhanurasana strengthens the leg muscles, especially the upper thighs, relieves stiff shoulders, and reduces excess weight around the abdominal area.

This pose is recommended for people with diabetes, incontinence and menstrual disorder. It also invigorates the internal organs, especially the digestive organs, thus eliminating constipation. Finally it stimulates the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system.

Ardha Dhanurasana, better known as standing half bow
Energize the mind and get to know yourself better

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