Kashmir Shaivism teaches that Consciousness is the only reality. Matter is not separate from Consciousness. There is no interruption or difference between God and the Cosmos.
The world is not an illusion (as advaita vedanta teaches), but the illusion is the perception of a duality (since duality does not exist)
1.- Kashmir Shivaism
1.2-Trika, four spiritual schools
There are several important schools in Kashmir Shaivism, the highest of which belong to the Trika system.
The word “Trika” in Sanskrit means “trinity“, which suggests the essential idea that everything in the universe has a triple nature. We can express this trinity as: Shiva (Consciousness, order), Shakti (Creative energy, chaos) and Anu (the individual, the limited projection of Consciousness).
1.2-Trika, four spiritual schools
1. Krama – in Sanskrit “process”, “order”, “controlled succession“.
2. Kaula (Kula) – in Sanskrit “community“, “family”, “totality”.
3. Spanda – term denoting the supreme divine and creative vibration.
4. Pratyabhijna – term that refers to the direct recognition of the Divine Essence.
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2.- The unification of the different traditions
These branches of the Shivaite tradition were brilliantly synthesized and unified by an authentic Shida Yogi, Sri Abhinavagupta.
His most important transcribed work was the Tantraloka (in verse), where all the apparent differences between the Shivaite branches or schools of Kashmir Shaivism (up to that time) are unified.
In this sacred scripture a coherent and complete vision of Shaivaism is achieved. Abhinavagupta also wrote a prose summary, titled Tantrasara (“The Supreme Essence of Tantra“).
3.- Parallelism with other traditions
Among the numerous religions and authentic spiritual paths, Shaivaism stands out for the universality of its conceptual model.
Shivaism offers an initiatory vision and understanding, where the connection of the individual being with Consciousness (Shiva) is experienced, through techniques that awaken the Kundalini energy (Shakti).
Shivaism integrates a unitary vision, with techniques and methods that are shared and are also found in: yoga treatises, traditions and liturgies of Christianity, and even with Zen Buddhism.
“Shiva’s cosmic dance metaphor unifies mythology, religious art, and modern physics. In fact, it is as Coomaraswamy said, poetry, but science no les”
A comentar al respecto, es significativo que el tratado Shivaita por excelencia, el Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, es también uno de los tratados fundamentales del budismo zen (Japón) y del budismo Chan (China).
To comment on this, it is significant that the Shivaite treatise par excellence, the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, is also one of the fundamental treatises of Zen Buddhism (Japan) and Chan Buddhism (China).
4.- The universal vision of Shivaism
4.1.- Shiva el iniciado, maestro y salvador
The acceptance of the universal vision of Kashmir Shaivism should not surprise us. Considering the fact that Shiva represents that aspect of the divinity that he manifests as Initiate, Master and Savior of creatures chained by ignorance and suffering.
Shivaism integrates any person who calls with longing and sincerity to the Divinity. The person is actually directing the call from him to the Savior aspect of Shiva, the Supreme Consciousness. Therefore, in any enlightenment process, Shiva’s grace is present.
4.2.- Modern theories of science
What is surprising is that the most modern theories of science find correspondences and parallels in the vast spiritual tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. The holographic pattern of the universe, morphogenetic field theory, string theory, quantum mechanics, etc.
5.- Shivaism and initiation art
An instrument for the Kashmir Shaivism tradition is the initiation art.
In the tradition of Shaivaism, there are numerous artists present who manifested divine grace in their works; in parallel with the sages and the great teachers of the Trika schools.
Authentic art is a spiritual path, but unlike “traditional” yoga, this path is not accessible to everyone. Since it becomes a true spiritual path only when the person who perceives it has surrendered the effort of it to divine grace.
Initiatic art becomes accessible when we can vibrate in ecstasy, remain enchanted in the contemplation of an artistic work. This is a state related to the awakening of the soul, which according to the Shivaite tradition is called Rasa.
6.- Fundamental works
Abhinavagupta has two major works in this area, Abhinava Bharati and Dhavanyabaratloka Locana. Art is a manifestation that is both external and internal in nature; a deep spiritual manifestation.
Sobre la base de esta emoción intensa (experimentada de manera totalmente consciente), el arte determina el paso del ser individual (ego) al ser Universal (Shiva).
On the basis of this intense emotion (experienced in a totally conscious way), the art determines the passage from the individual being (ego) to the Universal being (Shiva).
In art, the entire objective world is first reduced to essentials, and presented without limited contingencies of individuality. Authentic art transposes us almost instantly to a divine plane, generating a universal state in our consciousness.