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Shivaism, how it affects The Great Legends of the Future

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

1.- The incredible texts of Kashmir Shaivism

Going through the Shiva Purana, an important text of Kashmir Shaivism, we find the incredible story of the civilization that came before us, a story about the past life of our generation.

Two catastrophes are set forth here in crystal clarity: one that caused the end of the Asura civilization (over 60,000 years ago) and another that led to the destruction of the Indus cities by the invading Aryans.

This event, which occurred more than 2,000 years before Christ, marked the beginning of Kali Yuga, the era of humanity‘s decline, of which we are also a part.

Shiva Puranan the great text of Kashmir Shaivism.
Shiva Puranan, the great text of Kashmir Shaivism.

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2.- All about the sacred text of the Shiva Purana

Shiva Purana gives us indications about the conditions that lead to the decline of a generation of humanity at the end of each cycle. Therefore, we must consider the history of the Asuras only as a reflection of the past; and also as a prophecy of a possible future.

There is an obvious parallelism between the events, the religious conceptions, the ideologies, the social and moral theories that caused the destruction of Insurance and those that characterize our societies. tantra press

There is an obvious parallelism between the events, the religious conceptions, the ideologies, the social and moral theories that caused the destruction of the Asuras and those that characterize our societies.

History tells us how we can prevent the disaster from happening, through our convictions and moral and social ideas, according to Shivaism. This story, if properly understood and applied, can allow many of us to safely cross the cataclysm and be part of the golden age of humanity.

3.- The legend of the end of the fearsome Asuras according to Shivaism

The Asuras, people with a high level of civilization, presented in writing as ardent worshipers of Shiva and his symbol, the Lingam have created and built three invincible citadels, with the help of the Mayan architect.

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These citadels are classified as follows: one, on Earth, made of copper. The second between earth and heaven, made of silver; and the third in heaven, made of gold. Here, as in other traditions, we find the symbolism of the macrocosmic body, present in the three essential universes: material, subtle and divine.

Shivaism and insurance, people of a high level of civilization.
The Asuras represent the terrible aspect of the human being.

4.- The Asuras and their counterpart within Shivaism

Shiva Purana tells that the Asuras were people powerful, with dark, long curly hair, heroic, learned in the art of war, religious, open-hearted and owners of a knowledge that included the use of solar energy and sunlight for various purposes. They lived in their wonderful citadels, not caring much about the rest of the world.

Shiva, the beginning of time and the only measure from space. He is the only God who has the power of destruction and creation. Therefore, He is the one to whom the Gods resorted when they wanted to annihilate the Asuras and their wonderful citadels.

The Incredible Legends About The Future

Restlessness is manifestation, and stillness (Sthirattva) is Lord Shiva.

5.- The omnipresent Shiva and the powerful Devas

The Devas in Shaivism sought Shiva’s favors in order to destroy the Asura citadels. However, Shiva, the God of the righteous, could not allow himself to be drawn into this dispute.

The Asuras, he said, are without sin and are my respectful worshipers. I could only destroy them if they turned their backs on me. Therefore, the Devas went to Vishnu and He said “you cannot destroy these citadels unless you get the help of Master Shiva”, the Devas gods arranged a great sacrifice in honor of Shiva.

Shivaism And The Incredible Legends About The Future
The Devas sought the favors of Shiva in order to destroy the Asura citadels.

From the fire numerous evil and armed spirits (Bhuta) arose. Although all of these spirits were directed at the citadels, they failed to harm any of them.

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Vishnuhe explained this new defeat thus: “as long as they worship Shiva, and his mysterious symbol, the phallus, all their wishes will be fulfilled and the Vedic religion will be threatened. You have to do things so that they denigrate Shiva, the only God who protects them and the only God who can destroy them.”

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