Celebramos el onceavo Shivaratri del año 2022 el 22 de Noviembre según la tradición del Shivaismo de Cachemira: la luz de la Conciencia nos bendiga!
The zafu is a cushion with an ancient tradition. The origin of the Japanese word zafu (座蒲) comes from China. Its origin dates back to Buddha, who made a cushion with dried herbs to maintain a stable position during meditation.
Japa mala: “the rosary” of 108 beads
Tadasana or the posture of the mountain is the Sanskrit name of a fundamental Yoga Asana, and is referential over all other Asanas. As a fact to keep in mind, Tadasana is the initial and final position of all Suryanamaskar sequences or salutations to the Sun; in addition to its use as a resting posture between more strenuous Asanas.
We celebrate the twelfth Shivaratri of the year 2022 on December 21 according to the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism: the light of Consciousness bless us!
We celebrate the eleventh Shivaratri of the year 2022 on November 22 according to the tradition of Kashmir Shivaism: the light of Consciousness bless us!
Ajna Chakra is the confluence point where the three main Nadis (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) merge into one channel of consciousness and flow to Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra.
We celebrate the tenth Shivaratri of the year 2022 on October 23 according to the tradition of Kashmir Shivaism: the light of Consciousness bless us!
We celebrate the ninth Shivaratri of the year 2022 on September 23 according to the tradition of Kashmir Shivaism: the light of Consciousness bless us!