1.- Tripura Bhairavi and its transforming power
1.1- The fourth Mahavidya called Tripura Bhairavi
The fourth Mahavidya of the Hindu pantheon is Tripura Bhairavi. This Goddess is related to an irresistible power, which induces us to a definitive transformation, since by her grace, any human impurity is destroyed.
The purification process that Tripura Bhairavi induces is through its ability to lead us to redemption, since it is capable of freeing us from our suffering; it also eradicates the influence of karma accumulated in our past.
Red-skinned and shaggy-haired, Bhairavi has three eyes that exude ferocity. He dresses in red and blue, and wears a necklace of skulls around his neck. He wears a belt decorated with severed hands linked by bones. Of his four hands, two hold a rosary and a book and two are open performing the Chin and Varada mudras.
His name symbolizes the immediate cessation of mental speech.
Tripura Bhairavi represents the power that is capable of destroying the reality that we see manifested, since finally this reality is an illusion, what we call Maya.
1.2- The transformation granted by the Goddess Tripura Bhairavi
Unlike the three main Gods of the Hindu pantheon (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva), who represent the functions of creating, sustaining and at the same time destroying, Tripura Bhairavi represents the harmony of these aspects, which may seem contradictory to us.
These aspects refer to the beauty and the sometimes terrible action of the Universe and the passing of time. So Tripura Bhairavi specifically represents an aspect of radical transformation.
The amazing action of this knowledge destroys suffering, and at the same time, eliminates the traps and illusions of the reality in which we feel represented.
From this perspective, this transformation is a “rebirth“, since the human being re-emerges from the ashes of a reality, consumed, that we can now perceive without the filters of the mind.
Consequently, Tripura Bhairavi represents the transforming power of fire (Tejas) that consumes the discursive mind with its energy. He also represents the transforming heat of constancy (Tapas), rather than as the concept of asceticism, as that of (high) aspiration that consumes all fruitless interests and attachments.
If you want to request this Goddess, we recommend you to use a suitable incense for the veneration of her in our online store.
2.- The transforming effect of the Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi
From our ego, we perceive Tripura Bhairavi’s action as a terrifying force. This perception is due to the burning power of him burning and destroying our limitations, as well as any preconceived ideas, all misconceptions, and the many illusions that we accumulate about our individual existence.
The most important thing that Tripura Bhairavi reveals to us is that our focus should be on both removing physical and mental impurities and avoiding negative influences that tend to block our spiritual progress.
2.1- The wisdom granted by the Goddess Tripura Bhairavi
The profound and terrible Wisdom teaching that comes from Tripura Bhairavi is not easy for a large majority of people to accept. But above all, accept that its purifying action is necessary to avoid our own mental influence, and that we can allow ourselves to follow the path towards a consequent spiritual liberation.
Tripura Bhairavi teaches us that our personal transformation comes from an act of destruction; as it ultimately embodies this transformative principle. But the most profound teaching that Tripura Bhairavi offers us is the method to leave behind the fear of death.
We must accept that such destruction is not necessarily negative, but represents the opportunity to leave behind the chains of suffering that come from the mental plane.
Finally, he teaches us that destructive habits, such as eating tamasic foods, ignorance, lust, anger, jealousy and selfish emotions, strengthen within us the need for his wisdom and transforming power.
3.- The Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi represents the powerful flame of Consciousness
3.1- The subtle reality and non-duality
Tripura Bhairavi represents the willpower necessary to live: the one we put effort into mastering. When we concentrate our thoughts (through meditation), and unite them with the liberating image of the Goddess, the mind consolidates into a single entity. In this unification, all names and forms vanish, and we have the experience of non-duality.
A Yogi or Yogini who abandons his mind, becomes Ananda, or supreme happiness, which does not depend on anything or anyone, and is absolute happiness, without limits. It is the door to spiritual liberation in this life, and the end of the cycle of reincarnation: we will no longer die.
The aspirant who worships Tripura Bhairavi, abandoning his mind and freeing himself from the cycle of birth and death.
3.2- The relationship between Bhairavi and Kali
Bhairavi’s name has the meaning of “fierce and terrifying”. These characteristics are common and practically indistinguishable from the first Mahavidya, Kali.
Kalarathri means ‘black night’, another attribute of Kali. This attribute is linked to Bhairavi and personified as Kala-Bhairavi. With an aspect of a terrifying Goddess, Bhairavi is distinguished by being the consort of Bhairava, a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
Kala-Bhairavi is the goddess who presides over the decaying world, also related to the era we currently live in, the Kali Yuga. It is said that whoever wants to master the power of sexuality and sensual desires must worship the Goddess Kala Bhairavi.
4.- The Goddess Tripura Bhairavi sustains our spiritual aspiration
The energy necessary to transform ourselves is manifested in the human being with the transforming heat and ardor of Tapas, austerity and directed effort focused on the yogic goal.
In its highest expression, Tapas means the fiery aspiration that consumes and burns away all worldly attachments, illusions and desires.
The characteristic consequence of performing tapas is the appearance of a burning heat, generated by the force of discipline and (spiritual) aspiration, which ends up determining that you end up eliminating from your life everything that impedes your own spiritual evolution.
A main characteristic of Bhairavi is its close connection with the manifestation of the subtle element of fire, Tejas. This is how it is represented in the transforming heat of Tapas.
One consequence of the fiery and intense action of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is to gain the ability to control our senses and emotions.
It also helps sincere yogis to successfully complete their efforts and austerities to achieve spiritual goals, and to sustain the perseverance required to maintain sustained discipline.
Tantric traditions urge Yogis and Yoginis to sincerely and ardently invoke the help of Tripura Bhairavi, giving themselves over to the practice, in order to overcome the different obstacles or difficulties in sustaining their spiritual aspiration.
5.- The nature of the Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi and the absolute dimension
As in the case of the Mahavidya Tripura Sundari, Tripura Bhairavi is present in all three manifested worlds: the physical world, the astral world, and the causal world.
Being part of all manifested existence, and ruling over all Creation.
Bhairavi represents a terrible aspect. This indicates that in reality the beauty, and at the same time the terrible and terrifying aspects, are facets of the same divinity.
Thanks to the nature of Tripura Bhairavi and the powerful transformation to which it subjects us, it is said that the human being naturally travels the terrible path of suffering, towards the most beautiful communion with happiness and absolute bliss.
If you want to pray to this Goddess, we recommend using an appropriate incense for her veneration in our online store.
6.- The light of the Goddess Tripura Bhairavi illuminates the three states and the three worlds
Tripura Bhairavi subtly takes the form of the three states of consciousness, waking, dreaming and deep sleep. In his name we also recognize the three forms of light characteristic of the three worlds: the light of Agni or fire, the light of Vajra or lightning, and the light of Surya or the Sun, which illuminate, in this order, the underworld. , the intermediate world and the upper world, which correspond to the physical, astral and causal worlds.
Tripura Bhairavi also takes the form of the three goddesses who defeated the demons in the Devi Mahatmya text. These goddesses, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi and Mahakali, represent Saraswati the consort of Brahma, Lakshmi the consort of Vishnu and Kali the consort of Shiva.
These three forms of Tripura Bhairavi represent his ability to destroy obstacles and difficulties on the spiritual path.
7.- Bhairavi, Rudra and the ascension of Kundalini
Bhairava was known as Rudra, a Rigvedic deity associated with storm and hunting, and who was one of the most important deities in the ancient Vedic pantheon. Later the Hindu tradition transformed him into Shiva Mahadeva.
Rudra, who represents an aspect of power of Shiva (Sadasiva), encourages the Yogi to achieve his ultimate goal, eradicating any difficulty from his initiatory path.
So Rudra represents the terrible power of divine knowledge. Therefore, Bhairavi, his consort (also known as Rudrani), is the one who prepares and purifies us to reach Rudra (Shiva). The Goddess allows this ultimate knowledge to finally be revealed.
Bhairavi resides in the Root Chakra, the first center of power (Muladhara Chakra), located at the base of the spine. Tripura Bhairavi prepare us for the ascension of the primordial Kundalini energy, and that this energy rises purifying our being.
Tripura Bhairavi is the ascending, raging, transforming power of Kundalini energy. It is the hidden divinity, veiled, the sleeping power. She is represented in the coiled serpent in deep sleep in the Muladhara Chakra. And she is the one that prepares us to get out of this state, to finally wake up.
8.- Access the grace of the Goddess Tripura Bhairavi
To access the grace that Tripura Bhairavi offers us, in addition to following the main rules that govern the life of the yogic aspirant (Yamas and Niyamas), we must focus mainly on meditation.
Through the persevering practice of meditation, we experience the opening of our third eye, Ajna Chakra. We will observe how this divine experience is accompanied by the perception of internal sounds.
Another way to access Tripura Bhairavi is with the practice of different types of austerities (tapas), understood as perseverance and continuity in spiritual practice. Our progress is not possible without evolving from wishes to real facts.
A subtle way to obtain the grace of Tripura Bhairavi is to gradually give up all desires, attachments and illusory pleasures, to get out of the prison of karma.
Finally, obtaining the grace of Bhairavi, provides control of the senses and emotions, and facilitates the cessation of mental speech.
9.- The cessation of suffering and light in our lives
If we want to reveal the wisdom of Tripura Bhairavi, we must offer our thoughts, with great sincerity and devotion, in the fire of meditation, to access the sacred light of pure Consciousness.
This act involves transcending the content of our mind, dissolving it in the subtle repetition of the mantra, which represents the manifest nature of the Goddess and the hidden Consciousness that is revealed to us.
The highest form of practice is perfect control over our minds and emotions.
In ancient times, Tripura Bhairavi was identified with Homa, the fire in Vedic rituals. We can manifest this fire with inner worship, offering our thoughts and emotions to fuel our Muladhara Chakra and Kundalini awakening.
In this way, the yogi who perseveres and walks steadily on this path will rejoice in receiving the grace of Tripura Bhairavi, which has finally brought us to the state of enlightenment, freeing us from death.
about our purpose
“Our effort is focused on offering quality content on the Yoga expounded in the sutras of Patanjali, the oral tantra of the Shakta tradition of Shivaism from Kashmir, and the most relevant aspects of Hindu spirituality. In our ignorant and complacent Western society, both Yoga and Tantra are continually vilified and misunderstood by multiple pseudo-masters, who concoct, for their benefit, versions of these ancient traditions.
The time has come to offer nearby Spanish-language content, based on the sacred scriptures of Hinduism, so that the truth of Traditional Yoga and the Shivaita Tantra tradition begin to take root in our society. We prostrate before Sri Nityananda and Sri Muktananda, links in our tantric tradition, who impel us to do this work. But above all, thank the inspiration of our guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, who is a source of guidance, love and divine inspiration.”