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The seven Chakras and their great influence on our lives

por Enmanuel Torras Mata

The relevance and location of the Chakras in the human body

All energy circulation in the human body flows mainly through our spine through the 7 Chakras or power centers. These Chakras are mainly physical glands, which are identified with the subtle and energetic body of people. These centers govern all aspects of human life, and their harmony or disharmony has a powerful influence on our lives.

7 chakras blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality
The main Chakras are located in the spine and in the skull.

The Chakras regulate the flow of vital energy in our bodies, and also act as transmitters and receivers between the human being and the Universe. The 7 Chakras also connect between people, even transferring vital energy between them. The 7 Chakras are arranged in this way:

1.- The first Chakra Muladhara where Kundalini resides

Muladhara where Kundalini resides, first Chakra blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Chakra Symbol: Yellow Square
Number of Petals: 4 Red Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): Lam
Representative deity: Brahma
Shakti energy: Dakini

Divine Mother, all living creatures reside in your dwelling. As Kundalini, you dwell in the Lotus of Muladhara.

The first Chakra is called Muladhara, at the base of the spine and in the perineum area.  It is connected with the denser forms of energy associated with the energy of the earth.  This Chakra is related to vitality of being.  Here resides the mysterious energy Kundalini.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

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2.- The second is Svadhishthana, where the door of sleep and pleasure resides

Svadishthana where the door of sleep and pleasure resides blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Chakra symbol: Crescent Moon
Number of Petals: 6 Orange Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): Vam
Representative deity: Vishnu
Shakti energy: Rakini

“Above the first chakra is the Svadhisthana, where the four-petaled lotus blooms. There you will also find your home. Powerful Kundalini, thanks to Vajrasana turns the four petals into six.”

The second Chakra is also called Svadhishthana.  Connected with the energies of Water and the Moon, instincts and sensual emotions.  Also linked to sleep and reverie.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

3.- The third is Manipura, where the center of power is located

Manipura is the center of the power blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Chakra symbol: Triangle
Number of petals: 10 Yellow Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): Ram
Representative deity: Rudra
Shakti energy: Lakini

“Over the navel is the Manipura Chakra symbolized by a lotus flower with ten petals. Through the path of the Kundalini energy through the Sushumna, it ascends and accesses there. Oh Lady of the lotuses, in this flower you awaken.”

The fourth Chakra is called Manipura, above the navel, connected with Fire and solar energies, with dynamism, ambition, ego, expansion and will.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

Visite nuestra tienda online de inciensos

4.- The fourth Chakra Anahata is where the heart awakens

The fourth Chakra Anahata is where the heart awakens blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Chakra symbol: Circle
Number of petals: 12 Green Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): Yam
Representative deity: Ishama Rudra
Shakti energy: Kakini

“Beyond the three lower lotuses, is the Lake of Nectar, in the region of the heart. Here we find the enchantment of the twelve-petaled lotus flower, the eye with scarlet flame. When it opens, the ancient darkness of the heart is instantly scattered from view.”

The fourth Chakra is Anahata, located in the center of the heart. This Chakra corresponds to the energies of the air and the highest and purest affective feelings.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

5.- The fifth is Vishuddha, from where we access the elevated planes of reality

Vishuddha and the access to the elevated planes of reality

Chakra symbol: Half Moon
Number of petals: 16 Blue Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): Ham
Representative deity: Panchavakra
Shakti energy: Shakini

“Above, at the throat is the sixteen-petaled lotus with a smoky hue; it lies hidden in subtle space, transcending our perception of the universe in dissolving space.”

Vishuddha  is located in the neck area. This Chakra connected with the Ether energy, with purity and intuition.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

6.- The sixth Chakra Ajna is where our third eye opens

Ajna where our third eye opens blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Chakra symbol: Triangle
Number of petals: 2 Violet Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): Om
Representative deity: Si / Shakti
Shakti energy: Hakini

“And higher still, between brown eyes, the two-petaled lotus blooms, where the mind of the human being remains a prisoner; thanks to this flower one wishes to look inward, detaching from life.”

In the middle of the forehead resides Ajna, the sixth Chakra, also called the “third eye“.  Connected with the Macrocosmic energies and the extraordinary capacities of the mind: telepathy, clairvoyance, hypnosis, etc.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

Visite nuestra tienda online de inciensos

7.- The Sahasrara state is the access to our superior consciousness

The seventh Chakra Sahasrara is the access to our superior consciousness blog about Yoga, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Hindu spirituality

Symbol: Lotus
Number of petals: 1000 White Petals
Seed mantra (Bija): —-
Representative deity: Siva
Shakti energy: Kundalini

“Highest of all, above the head is where the thousand-petalled lotus of sand shines, where our higher consciousness dwells. Now that you have ascended to his throne, devotee of Siva, you may sit beside him.”

Sahasrara, the state of the 7 Chakras, is located on the top of the head and allows the opening towards our higher consciousness, which grants absolute wisdom and enlightenment.

To open this Chakra you can accompany your practice with this incense from our online store.

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