Ajna Chakra is the confluence point where the three main Nadis (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) merge into one channel of consciousness and flow to Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra.
tantra course
Padahastasana is one of the 12 basic postures of Hatha yoga. It is also the third pose of surya namaskar, the sun salutation sequence. It is believed to reduce tamas, which means heaviness or inertia in the body.
Kashmir Shivaism, with its powerful goal of (personal) recognition that we are one with Shiva, is the tradition most linked to the Advaita and non-dualistic philosophy of the six existing Shivaite Schools.
1.- The first time a human being breathes When a child is born,…
The Vishuddhi (or Vishuddha) Chakra is considered the doorway to our Higher Consciousness; through this center we reach a “profound purification” of our being, and establish contact with our meta-senses, which flower spontaneously.
Baddha Konasana is a very common posture among beginners, and whether you are one or not, it is good that you know its meaning and its many benefits.