Parshvottanasana is famous and widely practiced in South India. It is recommended that you also include this pose in your daily Shadana, as apart from its highly beneficial effects, Parshvottanasana also enhances the beneficial effects of Paschimottanasana.
bhakiti yoga
Anahata represents the center of our being at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and energetic. It is essential to internalize that it is from the heart where the opportunity to transform and transcend the reality that conditions and subjects us appears. That is why Anahata means “silent, pure, intact place”.
The second center of force, Svadhishthana, is located in the area of the sacrum bone. It represents sensory awareness, eroticism, imagination, sleep, and is associated with creative potential energy.
The third Great Cosmic Wisdom is known by the name of Tripura Sundari or Shrividya Tripura. The Goddess manifests, in general terms, three fundamental aspects that can be extended to the level of all creation.