Definition of Shankara:
Adi Shankara was one of the most remarkable thinkers of India. It was the one that consolidated the philosophical current of Advaita Vedanta.
It is traditionally considered that Shankara’s family belonged to Shiva’s lineage, and that Shankara was already a Shakta at birth. Later he came to be considered an incarnation of this same deity.
Shankara was a great spiritual teacher who toured India bringing the philosophical knowledge of Advaita Vedanta, which preaches non-dualism or non-differentiation between the human being and Shiva. He had 4 main disciples Padmapada, Vartikakara, Hastamalaka and Totaka, who were called Shankaracharia, who after his death created 4 main schools of Advaita that are still in operation today.