1.- Kashmir Shaivism and the state of “I Am”
1.1.- Technique, detachment and inner peace
Living the experience of “I am” is to reach a state in which you manage to disidentify yourself from your mental process. A simple and effective technique that comes from the Shaivism tradition of Kashmir, and that allows us to access our consciousness without the filter of the mind.
Having everything in order and with a purified environment, thanks to a natural incense like the one in the link, will make it easier for you to have a clear mind for this process.
In this way we realize a synthesis between two opposite mental experiences. The external attitude, expressed through staring at a point, and the internal attitude, directing our attention inward, through focusing on our mental state and modifying it with our will.
Once established in calm and with this double focus, we make a new effort by mentally repeating “I am”, or the mantras in Hindus “Shivoham”, or “Aham Brahmasmi”.
Conceptually, it is recognizing that we are not who we think we are, but that we really are a pure Awareness, which hides behind all our thoughts.
We maintain the attention of the gaze, aware of our real existence, recognizing by intuition that we are something more than a body and its thoughts.
1.2.- Mental repetition and awareness
The mental repetition of the mantra in the Kashmir Shaivism tradition has the purpose of leading us to deep identification with what we initially perceive as an ephemeral “I Am”.
Repetition is part of Tantra, which leads us to the dissolution of thought, and leads us to a state of unified consciousness, where we lack nothing. If you want to better understand this technique, you must detach yourself from a result, without expecting anything, avoiding stubborn and selfish attitudes.
Finally, this mental focus on the concept of “I am” should bring us to a state where we perceive intuitively: without the need to repeat the mantra. We must become the mantra, listen to it without having to repeat it, be one with it.
This practice is more than a simple thought about our existence: it is the perception of our Consciousness without the filter of thought. We must go beyond our thoughts, and the concept of ourselves. Access direct and absolute knowledge of our Consciousness thanks to Kashmir Shivaism.
With this practice it will be revealed that this direct experience is accessible. And because of our intuition, not our mind, we will awaken to a Consciousness that was hidden, unknown, but always present.
2.- Access to the real, the transcendent experience
2.1.- The different levels and the true Consciousness
To perform this simple and effective technique we need a mechanical watch, a lighted candle, or a Yantra (printed or on screen). In this section you will find many Yantras.
This very simple technique will help us get closer to what will be a momentous revelation. It leads us to discover that it is perfectly possible for each of us to wake up, and reach the true Consciousness, the one that is behind all thought.
At a first level, contrasting thoughts will arise. Images, feelings and mental fluctuations will be present. But at the same time, a different perception will appear.
We will begin to feel a witness behind the thought, who participates, but is detached and uninvolved in what is happening.
With this practice that Tantra teaches us, the Consciousness of what we really are will become permanent in our lives. Once perceived, it will be amplified within us. The ability to stop identifying with our mind, and identify with the Consciousness that we had not recognized, and remained hidden behind all thought.
This recognition is powerful enough to catalyze the revelation of the I Am, the divinity, Atman.
Established in this recognition, we perceive that we have a serene and incorruptible internal structure. An axis within us, which leads us to the real Consciousness of ourselves, and the recognition of the illusory world that surrounds us.
Finally, Kashmir Shivaism gives us access to detach from our Ego and preserve this Consciousness that is witness to reality. We attain the ability to distinguish between unaffected Consciousness (Atman) and the illusion of this world (Maya).