The Chakras are the center of divine power
The Chakras are energy centers that are reflected in the different bodies that make up the human being: the physical body, the energetic body and the subtle body (or soul).
These centers are not typical of human beings, but of all living beings in general. We must understand them as power centers, which if kept purified and balanced, make our existence acquire a new dimension, awakening the best version of ourselves.
Multiple Chakras can be identified in the human body, but there are 7 Chakras spread across the spine that are recognized as the most important. These Chakras have a direct relationship with different organs and glands </ strong> of our body, such as the pineal, the thymus, the thyroid, etc.
So we can affirm that the Chakras are physically distributed in the vertical of our body and that physical practices such as Yoga (in particular), or other practices or sports, activate, enhance and purify these centers.
It should be basic and fundamental to identify and know our Chakras, and at the same time their importance and the repercussion they have on our lives. If we are more aware of its relevance, we will undoubtedly improve our lives at all levels, in addition to positively influencing the lives of everyone around us.
Each Chakra has special characteristics, and they can offer us or take away from us, depending on whether they are in harmony or disharmony. As an example, a first harmonic Chakra provides us with material security, energy for our activity, etc. But if it is in disharmony, it makes us lazy, passive, indecisive, in addition to taking away vitality and energy.
Normally the Chakras are purified and strengthened in order, that is, if we want our fourth Chakra to be balanced and to be able to enjoy its maximum expression, we must first work and purify the lower three.
We must understand the Chakras as a system that is correlated, and as we work our lower Chakras, we are accessing the benefits of our Upper chakras, more subtle.
In order the first Chakra is called Muladhara, the second Svadhishthana, the third Manipura, the fourth Anahata, the the fifth Vishuddha, the sixth Ajna and the seventh Sahasrara.
The first 6 Chakras can be identified in our body, but the seventh is located at the top of the head (the crown), without a physical reflection. This is the Chakra that awakens or opens when the other 6 vibrate in harmony. The opening or awakening of this center connects us with the reflection of our soul, our highest spiritual expression.
In short, the Chakras are the basis of a full life. In addition, they even provide us with what for many people could be considered as extrasensory powers, since their harmony awakens many dormant capacities that are innate in human beings.