Paschimottanasana comes from the Sanskrit, ‘PASCHIMA’ which means ‘west, back of the body’; ‘UTTANA’ meaning ‘intense stretching’; ‘ASANA’ which means ‘posture’. Therefore, the term “Paschimottanasana” translates as “intense back stretch pose”
Parshvottanasana is famous and widely practiced in South India. It is recommended that you also include this pose in your daily Shadana, as apart from its highly beneficial effects, Parshvottanasana also enhances the beneficial effects of Paschimottanasana.
Gomukhasana is a seated yoga pose that stretches multiple parts of the body simultaneously, including the ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, armpits, triceps, and chest.
EnergyMeditation TechniquesPurification Techniques
Great meditation for expanding and contracting energy
The beneficial effects of the expansion and contraction of energy are a state of inner harmony, wholeness, happiness and balance.
Anahata represents the center of our being at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and energetic. It is essential to internalize that it is from the heart where the opportunity to transform and transcend the reality that conditions and subjects us appears. That is why Anahata means “silent, pure, intact place”.
In Tantric Buddhism, the navel chakra is extremely important. There is the famous practice of Tummo, or internal heat, similar to the awakening of kundalini that causes an experience of great joy. This practice is considered to be the first and most important of the 6 Naropa yogas.