Ustrasana is a backbend that increases shoulder flexibility, increases core strength, and stretches the entire front of the body.
In Sanskrit, Bujanga means cobra, so the translation of Bhujangasana is “cobra pose”. The realization of this Asana bears a resemblance to the position of the cobra, just before attacking.
Paschimottanasana comes from the Sanskrit, ‘PASCHIMA’ which means ‘west, back of the body’; ‘UTTANA’ meaning ‘intense stretching’; ‘ASANA’ which means ‘posture’. Therefore, the term “Paschimottanasana” translates as “intense back stretch pose”
Parshvottanasana is famous and widely practiced in South India. It is recommended that you also include this pose in your daily Shadana, as apart from its highly beneficial effects, Parshvottanasana also enhances the beneficial effects of Paschimottanasana.
Gomukhasana is a seated yoga pose that stretches multiple parts of the body simultaneously, including the ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, armpits, triceps, and chest.
Simhasana is a strong seated asana, incorporating a powerful breathing technique with a forceful exhalation. The name comes from Sanskrit simha, meaning “lion” and asana, meaning “pose”.