1.- The Macrocosm is your body
1.1- The fifth Mahavidya known as Bhuvaneshwari
The fifth Mahavidya or Great Wisdom of the Hindu pantheon is Bhuvaneshwari, also known in certain regions of India as Bhuvanesi.
This Mahavidya is transcendental and worshiped as the Great Goddess who protects all the manifested worlds, as the 14 Lokas (or planes of existence) form her body.
Her main attribute is suggested by her name: the Queen or Governor (Ishwari) of all creation; and of all the worlds (Bhuvana), which come under her protection.
So we can say that Bhuvaneshwari is the Divine Mother who protects all planes of existence. She represents the entire Universe: and all beings, names and forms emanate from Her.
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2.- Bhuvaneshwari protects all the manifested and unmanifested planes
Symbolically Bhuvaneshwari, sitting on the heavenly throne, has three eyes, just like Shiva. This third eye represents the Consciousness that encompasses all the manifested (and unmanifested) planes. Her maternal qualities indicate that he nurtures all living beings, and from her emanates the essence of life. She has a smiling and kind face, of a close beauty, and that gives off the confidence that is granted to good regents and rulers.
Her glory and her greatness are represented by the brilliance that radiates from her, and from her crowned head there flows the divine nectar which is called Soma.
Bhuvaneshwari has four arms; Two of his hands perform a palm up and palm down gesture (or Mudra), symbolizing the confidence and equanimity of his ideal kingship. In his other two hands he holds a scepter and a rope, symbols of his reign over all planes of creation.
Bhuvaneshwari represents and embodies the entire universe. The cult of him reminds us of the vision of the supreme reality, in which we overcome the limits imposed by certain opinions or beliefs.
The power of the goddess is manifested mainly in overcoming any false identification or preconceived ideas that we may harbor.
The clarity that Bhuvaneshwari emanates offers the yogi intuitive understanding of the great mysteries of creation.
3.- The worship of Bhuvaneshwari grants the transparent vision of reality
In the Hindu Vedas, Bhuvaneshwari is also known as Aditi, or Heavenly Mother, who personifies infinity and that which is indestructible. The Goddess represents primordial space: the origin of all manifestation.
The light emanates from the Goddess and comes to life through her. Due to this characteristic she is the Mother of all the solar deities of the Hindu pantheon. Bhuvaneshwari creates the space so that all the names and forms of the manifested world can later appear.
Similarly, our consciousness also comes from Bhuvaneshwari, which enables us to manifest as individuals in all three states: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.
The consequence is that there are different levels of manifestation for Consciousness. For example, in the physical space that surrounds us is the mental space, infinite like the physical space. This mental space also has several levels, culminating in the highest space of pure (and divine) Consciousness, which is beyond all manifestations.
So the entire macrocosm is contained in our inner microcosm, in a subtle way, so that through self-inquiry we can discover the divine Consciousness that dwells within us. It is here that we will find the residence of Bhuvaneshwari.
4.- The Mahavidya that creates the scene in which time dances
Because she represents space, Bhuvaneshwari is complementary to Kali, the goddess who symbolizes Time. The two Goddesses represent the two main attributes of Shakti: infinity and eternity.
Bhuvaneshwari creates the space in which Kali will perform the illusory dance of life and death.
This analogy of Bhuvaneshwari with Kali allows us to recognize that the supreme goddess represents the observer, omnipresent. Bhuvaneshwari watches Kali’s dance of life and death, but without taking part.
It is fundamental how through the understanding of the dimension of Bhuvaneshwari, our Divine essence is revealed. Thus it is that Kali creates the events in time, and Bhuvaneshwari creates the objects with names and forms, which comprise the mental space.
To understand these aspects is to understand that all the events that take place in our lives only represent illusory “sequences“. And that all the locations in the memory are “reflections” of Bhuvaneshwari, which represents the infinite space that is inside our mind.
We thus come to the profound knowledge that Bhuvaneshwari is, in fact, the substratum on which reality is sustained, and at the same time, the observer who recognizes us at every moment. By his grace we acquire the ability to make the practice of Yoga higher, and in a short time, we achieve Spiritual Liberation (also called Moksha).
Bhuvaneshwari is also related to the cardinal points, the four directions in space: north, south, east and west.
5.- The Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari directs us towards spiritual liberation
Kali creates what we call the “directions” of time, which as we know are the past, the future, but above all the present, since it is the direction in which the interior space rebels. The tantric tradition also indicates that space is intrinsic to time, and vice versa.
As an example, the spatial direction of east represents the beginning of an action, while north represents spiritual liberation. The west is correlated with the experience and the process of spiritual maturity, and the south represents the fulfillment that we acquire through liberation (or Moksha).
Due to this, we can affirm that space contains time and, in the same way, time contains space. Each moment in time is characterized by a location and a spatial direction or orientation.
So the beings and forms located in the space (either physical or subtle) of our particular reality, are just a reflection of the higher reality that comes from Bhuvaneshwari. If our vision of reality changes, the space in which our reality was located will also change.
In addition, our vision of reality and our imagination also determine the direction of our experience. When we direct our minds (in a focused way) to our present space-time experience, we acquire the ability to perceive in an amplified way what until then were only glimpses of the infinity that surrounds us.
Therefore, the Hindu scriptures emphasize that Bhuvaneshwari bestows the vision of ultimate reality. Bhuvaneshwari directs attention to the creative act of the present, and reveals to us the power of Consciousness, which is what creates our reality, and which causes this reality to manifest itself to us constantly.
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6.- Goddess Bhuvaneshwari reveals the threads of illusion
6.1- The matrix representing the space
Space (also called Akasha) represents in fact the primordial “substrate” in which the elements (air, fire, water and earth) appear. As an example, the substance that the earth is made of is essentially a concentration of energy in a given space.
Under this aspect of substratum or primordial space, from which the entire manifested world emerges, Bhuvaneshwari is also known as Prakriti, or Mother Nature.
The primordial space, substratum for any name or form, is essentially Consciousness and, consequently, is the expression of infinite happiness.
From another perspective, Bhuvaneshwari is also Maya, or the cosmic illusion. Bhuvaneshwari expands the infinite “threads” of illusion, in which people veiled by ignorance become “entangled“, and lose the non-dual vision of reality, in which Bhuvaneshwari is always present.
6.2- The Mahavidya that transcends illusion to observe the sacred space within us
When we measure, appreciate or compare the different situations of our lives, we simply fall into the illusionary trap of Maya. we forget the reality of the primordial substratum, in which everything that we can appreciate and observe appears.
The observable existence comes from waves that expand, based on the relationship or resonance with the primordial substratum, which is the source of Infinity.
Therefore, one of the methods to transcend the illusion is to learn to see around us the space in which we can continuously observe Bhuvaneshwari; that space that is actually the Consciousness that surrounds us in a kind and loving way.
Consciousness is also the space in which forms and events manifest. Consequently, a focused attention on this fundamental reality gives us the ability to transcend illusion (Maya), and to cast off the veil of ignorance.
7.- The Goddess Bhuvaneshwari awakens the Consciousness towards infinity
Bhuvaneshwari is the space in which devotional love can be manifested. In fact, the pure and deep feeling of sincere and unconditional love gives us the sensation of infinite freedom.
This sublime love breaks the limits of a person, who does not try to obtain or get anything for himself. Devotion (or sacred love) is manifested generously and without conditions.
The space of devotional love represents an enriching space, which gives people who are capable of letting go of their limitations the possibility of living a life of absolute fulfillment.
Love and devotion produce a feeling of infinity and freedom, a love without an object. Any other feeling is a selfish expression, and that contains the need to possess the loved one, which unequivocally in the future will lead us to loss and suffering.
Selfish love leads people to states of suffering and unhealthy attachment, especially if it manifests itself through jealousy.
Devotion makes it possible even for a person tortured by the attachment of selfish love to overcome his limitations through the revelation that pure love is formless (does not focus exclusively on one person or object).
8.- Goddess Bhuvaneshwari builds a temple within you
8.1- The devotion that comes from the Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari
Devotional love gives birth to the desire to create and follow the wonderful spectacle of creation. Bhuvaneshwari offers us a reality in which the power of love without limits is manifested.
This divine game (Lilac) is effervescent because space (Akasha) represents infinity, which we can observe reflected in the names and forms that we appreciate when awake.
Therefore, the yogic tradition tells us that the universe comes from the substratum of Consciousness. Bhuvaneshwari devotion will help us create a sacred space within ourselves.
At the same time, by creating this space, we free ourselves from stress and emotional tensions, which are limited forms of our conceptions, judgments, preconceived ideas and attachments.
8.2- The grace of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari
We can assimilate infinite space to find equanimity and inner peace. This state comes from the grace that Bhuvaneshwari gives us, and to obtain it we need to give ourselves without setting limits, fully.
Bhuvaneshwari represents infinite expansion, equanimity of spirit, and deep peace that cannot be disturbed.
Vedic teachings indicate that Bhuvaneshwari is the space from which all names and forms emerge. Bhuvaneshwari represents the void from which creation arises, and thanks to its infinity, we can observe it in any place and plane. physical or subtle.
The emptiness that Bhuvaneshwari represents is not the emptiness before creation, which is transcendent and represents Dhumavati, the seventh Mahavidya.
We note that we have always been (and will be) in the sphere of Bhuvaneshwari. Beyond this affirmation, the Goddess represents the subtle space within us, a sacred place in which we manage to recognize that we have always been part of her Divine Consciousness: beyond our finite body and mind.
8.3- Everything that the Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari offers us
Bhuvaneshwari offers us liberation in life, and the revelation of the true Self.
Symbolically, his hands, showing the palms, indicate to us: the one that points to the sky allows us to get rid of fear (Abhaya Mudra). The palm down gesture offers the spiritual gift of liberation (Varada Mudra).
Bhuvaneshwari is the color of the rising sun, with the crescent moon on his forehead, four hands and three eyes, like Shiva, the Consciousness.
She is sometimes depicted sitting on a lotus, with a bowl of jewels in her hands. In other cases she places the bowl of jewels near her left foot.
From her throne, Bhuvaneshwari controls and organizes the movement of the entire universe. Different Gods and Goddesses who serve her surround Bhuvaneshwari.
8.4- Meditation as a vehicle for liberation
Meditating with perseverance in this beautiful way, sincere practitioners can obtain their gifts and their infinite grace, freeing themselves in life.
Another method is to develop the attitude of revealing Bhuvaneshwari by observing her in her wake. Living attentively, as witnesses, observing the various events, names and forms that occur on our path, without identifying ourselves with these aspects: always recognizing that we are part of Bhuvaneshwari.
We can also persevere in eliminating from our minds the idea that names and forms represent reality. This method comes from Jnana Yoga, and is based on the superimposition of names and forms.
Recognize the void held by infinity
All these processes of worshiping Bhuvaneshwari serve us to separate the illusory nature of the dual aspects that submit us (as if we were separate individuals from the Goddess).
Freeing ourselves from illusion, and surrendering to live sincerely, finding ourselves in each moment with the Supreme Truth: this is how we represent the indicated way of worshiping and honoring the transcendent wisdom that Bhuvaneshwari offers us.