Vatayanasana is a Yoga pose that requires a lot of flexibility and is part of the intermediate poses. Vatayanasana from the VATA term is that of the medicine used to improve intestinal transit.
Enmanuel Torras Mata
Kashmir Shivaism, with its powerful goal of (personal) recognition that we are one with Shiva, is the tradition most linked to the Advaita and non-dualistic philosophy of the six existing Shivaite Schools.
This very simple technique will help us get closer to what will be a momentous revelation. It leads us to discover that it is perfectly possible for each of us to wake up, and reach the true Consciousness, the one that is behind all thought.
The relevance and location of the Chakras in the human body All energy…
1.- The first time a human being breathes When a child is born,…
Garudasana comes from the sanskrit ‘GARUDA’, which means ‘eagle’; and ‘ASANA’, which means ‘posture’. Consequently, GARUDASANA can be translated as “the eagle pose”.