Definition of Jivanmukta:
Jivanmukta is a school concept of the Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta The main idea of this concept is that of the human being who has “liberated himself even while alive”.
The goal of Hindu spirituality is for people to be able to free themselves from the cycle of birth and death in this life, which is called Moksha.
In the vast majority of Hindu traditions, except Advaita Vedanta, liberation only occurs when we leave the physical body.
Shankara, the creator of the Advaita Vedanta current, made us understand that people reincarnate with a soul that is already free, although recognition and identification with that absolute reality is necessary. So people who have achieved this identification are considered Jivanmukta, realized beings and extremely valuable.
Ramana Maharshi or Sri Nityananda of Ganehspuri are two examples of liberated beings or Jivanmukta, close to our time.